Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Only One Who Benefits From Middle East Crisis Is Big Oil

The Only One Who Benefits From Middle East Crisis Is Big Oil

Here we go again.Every time there is a crisis in the Middle East, the price of gas immediately goes up.What I do not understand and have a real problem with is.Why?All the gas that is in tanks at stations ready to be pumped, and that stored in containers awaiting shipment have already been bought.Until these reserves and tanks are used, there should be no increase in the price at the pump.Immediately raising the price of gas equates to price gouging.In this last week of February 2011, gas in my city has gone up over 30 cents per gallon.Even if the average stations gas tanks holds 4,000 gallons(1) of gas at the time of an increase, and, that gas is projected to earn the station an average 10 cents per gallon, a one day increase of 15 cents yields an additional $600.00 per tank.No wonder they want to raise prices immediately.Small stations do not benefit at the rate of the super stations, and it is the super stations that really benefit.They pay less per gallon, make more per gallon and are usually the first to raise prices as much as possible.They have as many as 20 pumps making them a hefty additional profit.CITGO, Shell, BP and other huge corporate oil companies own or have interest in stations bearing their name.They laugh at the American public every time they raise the price.Why do they laugh? Say BP owns 100,000 stations and their average station has 10 pumps, with an average 4,000 gallons in each tank, raising the price 15 cents per gallon equals.60,000,000 in unearned income.Is it a wonder they make the fabulous incomes they report? The American public simply shrugs their collective shoulders and says, oh well.The oil companies roll in the aisles.Have you seen their latest quarterly profits? Of course you haven't.You are too busy trying to survive day to day without worrying how much these tycoons are making.Last week, I drove 50 miles from my home to another city.The difference in the price of gas from one city to the next was 24 cents per gallon.Don't even think of buying gas near the interstate it was even higher.How are these enormous differences allowed? Isn't this price gouging? Or maybe it is GREED!I believe stations should be required to sell their current inventory before being able to raise their prices.In many instances, the short term events that drive up the price of oil, does not justify an increase at the pumps.Watching prices jump 10 cents in one week to only drop 10 cents the next week is unnecessary.Oil companies use every excuse available to make additional profits.Federal and State regulations need updating.With the price of everything going up, cities and states are losing revenue at unheard rates, and are discussing raising taxes to remain solvent.The American taxpayer does not need be paying millions of additional dollars for gas, because oil companies and speculators see unearned income every time an oil well burps in the Middle East or elsewhere.We are experiencing an extraordinary financial crisis in America.Every day some new crisis occurs.Housing values continue to fall; unemployment is destroying lives with bankruptcy and foreclosure daily ruining the American dream, our government is out of control, the future is yet to be written, people fear America will never be America again.With all this, why would we worry about the increase in the price of gas or how much the oil companies are earning?Where does it end? Who protects the average American? Passing laws that prevent oil companies from raising prices until reserves are expended, and a thorough evaluation of the short or long term impact of an event can be studied to help stabilize prices and prevent the constant fluctuation of prices based on speculation rather than fact.Americans need some stabilization in their life.Their incomes are limited enough.Constantly raising gas prices can cost an additional $25.00 or 30.00 a week.Driving has become a necessity.In today's economy, many families may not have the additional money to pay inflated gas prices.They have to give up something else to by the gas.What they give up is not paying a bill, buying fewer groceries, or less participation in their children's; school activities.They should have to give up nothing, and would not have to if we can get the lawmakers to pass and enforce strict laws on when Oil companies can legitimately raise gas prices.Big Oil has few choices.They can continue to operate the way they currently do, they can change their policy and give the American people a break, or we can come together and demand all cars must run on electric only or a combination of gas and electric within five years.I for one would not miss the greed of the oil companies and look forward to taking on the greed of the electric companies.It is sad; we never really do get a break.(1) The average storage tank at a service stations ranges between 6,000 and 10,000 gallons.

The Only One Who Benefits From Middle East Crisis Is Big Oil


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