Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reminiscences Of A Day In A Life - The Libertarian Way of Life

Reminiscences Of A Day In A Life - The Libertarian Way of Life

A woman has discovered that everyday can be one of joy and pleasure.Here is her story of another wonderful day in her life.Morning.As soon as I awoke I knew it was going to be a great day.It seems that this is a common occurrence since I discovered the secrets of a joyous life.Now after experiencing this wonderful day I embrace my pillow for a night of sweet dreams--reminiscing about all of my experiences.During my meditation this morning--my mind alternated between sublime thoughts and stillness.I receive much enlightenment and euphoria from the quiet of my universal connection.However some of my most profound moments come from when I feel the ecstasy of my body, mind and spirit.Ever since I discovered Libertarian Pleasures and The Libertarian Way--I continuously experience pleasure and ecstasy on a daily basis.No longer do I suffer as I once did.I think the biggest surprise of my life is how much I have grown spiritually and intellectually.While meditating I suddenly experienced myself as sexy and sensuous as if I am pure sex and sensuousness.Then all of my energy rose to my crown chakra--resulting in great euphoria and oneness with all there is.This transformation from pure sex to total oneness can only be known through the experience.Suddenly my powers of reason expanded.My intuitive powers kicked in.I remembered my creative ideas and later wrote them down.When I finished my meditation I prepared breakfast for my family.Finally we were all seated at the breakfast table.Breakfast is a wonderful way to connect to my food--and to my family.I now savor the taste of all I consume.My taste buds are more sensitive to every single bite.Almost everything I eat is a culinary delight.The liquids I drink delightfully tease my tongue before I swallow.My husband, the man who is the love of my life, sits at my right.We look briefly in each other's eyes and smile.We now connect in many ways.Even little things mean a lot.He thought this libertarian stuff was nonsense at first, but once he noticed the change in me he embraced it.Our moments together and our love life are more satisfying than when we were newlyweds.Our daughter sits across from us lost in her thoughts.She looks up with sleep still in her eyes and briefly smiles.She is so precious I wish I could freeze the moment.At one time I would have let it pass without a thought.Now it will live in the recesses of my mind forever.It was a few magic minutes in a day of the almost 3500 days we will have together--before she is a young wife with pains, joys and magic moments of her own.Afternoon.Since it's Saturday many people are off work.As I take a walk around the neighborhood on a clear, sunny day I connect with everything around me.The deep blue of the sky makes me feel I could reach the heights of an eagle or a jet airliner.At one time I would have walked along lost in thoughts that scattered in every direction--oblivious to my surroundings.Since I discovered Libertarian Pleasures I am sensitive to all I see, smell, hear, feel and touch.I thrill in all of my experiences.There is Mr.Jones mowing his lawn.He takes pride in the way it looks.I don't know if he is aware of the enjoyment his lawn is supplying me.The rich green of a neatly trimmed lawn and the aroma of the freshly cut grass sends me in a state of instant pleasure and reverie.It reminds me of something from my childhood, but I can't quite place it.Whatever it was it makes me feel more joy and pleasure.And there's Mrs.Johnson attending her flower garden.She's such a nice lady--and she knows how much I enjoy the reds, blues, yellows, violets, pinks, etc.Of the wonderful garden she so tenderly created with her own hands and spirit.Sometimes I become so entranced with the colors that I feel as if I could be a flower in that very garden.When I come out of it I'm grateful that I am a fully functioning individual--capable of experiencing all of my highest values.A fulfilling life means creating values and enjoying them.She also has a garden that displays the reds, pinks and yellows of her prize winning roses.For a short while I become lost in the life of a rose.I look up and take another glance at her flower garden.Finally I force myself to walk away.For a few minutes I am surrounded by a rainbow effect from all the colors I experienced.I move along feeling every muscle in my body as I walk.My legs feel slender and powerful.As my arms move forward and back I know I am propelling myself into a glorious future.It has to be since the present moment is so glorious.Everyone comments on how great I look.People notice when you're a being of high self-esteem and self-worth.I love my days off but I also love my work.This is a wonderful day but so are the days I am producing values.It seems the better I feel about myself, my life, those around me and all of my experiences the more enjoyable my work is.I receive great satisfaction from it.That euphoric feeling I receive from my meditation and from my experiences of living The Libertarian Way and enjoying Libertarian Pleasures is with me most of the time.I did many other things today.I listened to some of my favorite songs.They used to be relegated to background music.Now they are a major force in my life.I dance to the upbeat ones feeling as if I am a teenager again.The beautiful songs move me to tears.I used to cry from the pain and sorrow in my life.My tears are now a source of joy.One song I heard today--about how someone would give his life so lightly for his gentle lady--for his highest value--caused my tears to freely flow.At one time I wouldn't have believed that crying could be so pleasurable.Early Evening and Nighttime.I also had some chores to complete.These used to be sources of resentment for me.Loading the dishwasher, doing the laundry, vacuuming the carpet, cleaning the bathroom--God what drudgery.Something happened when I finally realized the pure joy of my existence.The chores became something less than drudgery.Since we are connecting better, my husband sometimes chips in, although I still do most of them.Now when I do them I put on some albums I haven't heard for awhile or think of all the Libertarian Pleasures I will be indulging in.Sometimes I even have the ability to view what I'm doing as sublime.I won't say they are as enjoyable as my favorite activities but they're definitely not a source of displeasure anymore.Dinner with my family was almost another version of breakfast.My daughter looked more bright eyed and bushy tailed than she did this morning.She was also excited about the pajama party that is taking place at her best friend's house.My husband is beginning to get that lascivious look in his eyes.I know what kind of night this will be.As we watch a movie we thrill in each other's presence.There are the tender caresses and kisses during commercials.Afterwards he makes me feel like a woman who has blossomed to her full sensuality and sexuality.Sometimes I think I'm receiving all the orgasmic thrills during our love-making, but he assures me the pleasure is all his.He calls me his Candy Girl.As I remember the day--I drift off to sleep with the satisfaction from knowing there will be many more like it.

Reminiscences Of A Day In A Life - The Libertarian Way of Life


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