Thursday, September 27, 2012

At The Heart of the Matter: A New Day in Christ - 2 Samuel 16.15 - 17.16

At The Heart of the Matter: A New Day in Christ - 2 Samuel 16.15 - 17.16

Many people carry deep seated resentments that haunt them and prevent them from ever experiencing all that God has for them.Some people never get to the place that they should because they cannot let go of the past.We have been messed with so much that we fail to trust and we miss out on the best that life has to offer.A painful past is often the stumbling block that prevents a glorious future.We have to find a way to let go of the past if we are going to prosper in the things that are presently before us.Do you have things in your life that you just can't seem to let go?-Problems with a parent that you were never able to deal with;.-Problems with an old relationship that haunts your present relationships;.-Problems with people that you trusted but they offended that trust;.-Problems with people you thought were friends but only wanted something from you.In the story of David and Absalom, Absalom was to be the heir to the throne of David.The people loved Absalom and wanted him to be the heir to the throne.Even David wanted Him to be king and had groomed him for the job.Absalom would have been king but he got greedy and wanted to over throw his father, David, before his death.He would have become king if he had not taken Hushai advise instead Ahithophel's.It cost Absalom the throne and his life.The counsel that Ahithophel gave was esteemed, both by David and by Absalom.He was a man of God; a man who knew the Word of God; a man who knew how to get a hold of God in prayer; a man who David sought after for godly counsel.The Bible says that when He spoke it was just like God, Himself speaking.Ahithophel, the grandfather of Bathsheba, saw David take his grand-daughter and violate her; He saw David have his grand-daughter's husband killed; and he saw God take the life of his Great grand Child; and there was a root of bitterness that pierced his heart.He was consumed by his bitterness torward David.When Ahithophel found out that Absalom didn't take his advise and that David was not going to be overthrown.He saddled his donkey and left for his hometown.After putting his house in order, he hanged himself and died.What happened to this man of God? How could a man who knew God and spoke for God and prayed to God and could be so close to God at one time, do a thing like this? He Could Not Take Rejection.Ahithophel perceived that the rejection of his advice was a rejection of him.He was shallow and insecure.Rejection and life go hand and hand.We must handle rejection as a learning experience and as a time for growth.What God has for us, is for us and sometimes a no from God in one direction is a yes in another direction.Ahithophel could not handle his disappointments.He knew that his aspirations had died and that he had made the wrong choice.Disappointments can devastate us, but we must handle them knowing that life's greatest lessons are not in our successes but in our failures.Ahithophel could not let go of the past so hanged himself.What haunted him, what messed with him, what was it that he could not he not let go? Bitterness and an unforgiving heart was the things that brought this man of God to destruction.When a person does not have a forgiving heart it is like poison in his system.It eats like a cancer to the soul.How can you overcome the resentment and hate that devours your spirit".1.By letting all bitterness, wrath, and anger be put away from you, with all malice.2.By being kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.3.By walking in love, as Christ also has loved us, and given himself for us a sacrifice to God.4.We are to do it because it is following God's footsteps.5.Love is the reason.

At The Heart of the Matter: A New Day in Christ - 2 Samuel 16.15 - 17.16


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