Friday, September 14, 2012

Did God Create Depression?

Did God Create Depression?

'.And God said, "Let there be depression," and there was depression.God saw that it was good, then there was evening, and there was morning - the eighth day.'.Now, I know what you're thinking.And, if you suffer from depression, stress or anxiety, you could be excused for thinking that some higher power is controlling your life and causing your depression.But, and this is important to understand from the outset, YOU ARE IN CONTROL AND YOU CAN STOP YOUR DEPRESSION.Human beings have a great desire to blame someone, and a great reluctance to take responsibility! However, for someone suffering depression - no matter which flavour they suffer from - it is quite feasible to blame someone, and the depression can quite often be caused by someone else.But we need to find a way of moving forward, coping with and finding a cure for our depression.So what steps can we take?Coping With Depression.Anyone who suffers with depression can tell you that there are good days and bad days - days when you just want to hide under the quilt, and days when you can just about drag yourself through the day.In order to cope with depression on a daily basis, it is necessary to try to understand the causes of depression.However, whilst great advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of this illness, there is still a long way to go in understanding why some people suffer depression more than others.Studies suggest that stress and trauma makes people more vulnerable to depression, so if you have had a difficult day try to counter the negative feelings you are left with by taking some positive action at the end of the day.Think about spending time with friends who you find stimulate and energize you.Take some "you" time and just do the things you want to do - watch a movie, go out for dinner or perhaps have a relaxing bath.The point is that you need to reset the balance in your day, and you can only do that by experiencing something positive.This positive experience isn't necessarily going to come to you.You will probably have to take some action to make it happen.This is necessary to break the negative cycle.If you do nothing, and you are susceptible to feelings of depression, you will end the day feeling worse than when you started.Add to that the fact that tomorrow could be an even worse day, and you will soon spiral into a very dark place.The bottom line is that, despite good and bad days, you can face the next day with greater resolve if you trigger a positive action at the end of each day.Beating Depression.There is no easy answer, but manifold solutions are available.From meditation to medication, natural remedies to self-help guides, the one thing you can be assured of is that everyone is different, and the plethora of solutions are all useful to some people.In other words, there is not one simple cure that suits everyone.So where does this leave you? Well, as far as medication treatments are concerned (whether prescribed drugs or natural remedies) you should always seek professional advice from your doctor or physician.But for many people, there are simpler solutions available in the form of self-help guides and systems.You see for many people, their depression is caused by the lack of something rather than the presence of something.What I mean by this is that some people sink into depression when simply because things didn't turn out the way they expected.Imagine for a moment that you've recently lost your job and the bank is putting pressure on you for the mortgage payments, and your spouse is struggling as the only bread winner, and.And.And.  This situation would be enough to send anyone into a depressed state.But this is also a situation that can be resolved by taking positive action.This example is exactly the kind of situation that could be resolved by tapping into new information, making new connections, networking, finding new resources.Whilst the effects are medical, the cause is practical.Practical problems can be rationalized and solved.You don't have to look far these days to find self-help and how-to guides on the internet that can, if you choose wisely, provide a good drug-free solution to your personal flavor of depression.What's more, they are inexpensive and immediately downloadable.Conclusion.So, did God create depression? Well.In theory, yes He did! He created each one of us as individuals who are uniquely different.But.He also created us with the ability to solve problems, our own problems.As humans, we have an innate ability to survive trauma and recover from difficult situations.We just need to realize that we have the power to beat depression.We might need a little help or guidance, but I strongly believe that we each have the power to get ourselves out of the situations we find ourselves in.

Did God Create Depression?


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