Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Commune With God Through Nature

How To Commune With God Through Nature

As we journey upon our personal pathways of purpose, we are able to commune with God in various ways.One way we experience God's Word and Way is through Nature.One can hear His voice in the birds, in the gentle rustling of the trees.And one can feel His light and warmth through the rays of sunlight.We see indeed that "the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19.1).The better we understand Nature, the more we appreciate how natural patterns reveal the wisdom and love of God's Laws.Nature is God's creation, and Nature therefore exudes God's glory.Natural laws and patterns display the laws and patterns of human existence.For example, the thoughts, words and actions of man are akin to seeds which are sown.We find therefore that "a man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6.7).It is exciting to draw parallels between natural patterns and life patterns.We find deeper meaning in the seasons, in the animal habits and habitats, in the designs and colors.And in the order.One such parallel lies between the fruit of a tree and the fruit of one's life.The results made manifest in one's life bear witness to the nature of one's heart, such as fruit mirrors the health of a tree.We experience that "a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." (Matthew 7.18).Another theme in Nature is God's abundance.Reflecting upon Nature, we can release ideas of scarcity and instead embrace the eternal Source of good things.Yes, we can take comfort that God provides - and provides abundantly - when we trust in Him.There are countless parallels in Nature.The following actions steps will heighten your awareness of such parallels in Nature and deepen your communion with God..- Reflect daily upon natural ways and patterns.What metaphors do you see? What laws are evident? What parallels can you draw to human nature? Write your discoveries in a journal and review your reflections often.- Carve time daily to spend in Nature, even if just five or ten minutes.What emotions are elicited? What praise flows forth? What ideas are renewed or borne? Keep track also of these experiences in a journal.- Thank God for specific aspects of Nature and list the inspiring things you witness in the natural world.Doing so will enhance your appreciation for God and His Masterpiece.- Try a variety of ways in which to experience Nature.A few examples are hiking, biking, swimming, boating.Or simply strolling.Experiencing Nature in different ways opens the eyes to new perspectives.Spending time in Nature truly allows us to commune with God, for God beautifully demonstrates His Word through His Works.He communicates with our minds, hearts and spirits through His Masterpiece.I leave you with my poetic reflection on experiencing God through Nature..Blissfully the breeze Dances through my hair The smell of flowers Fills the warm air.Leaves do sway And sunshine streams A new day unfolds As in radiant dreams.Such a gift from God To see this new day To experience the beauty Of the world at play.Sing now the bird And dance now the flower I join God's creation Praising His power.So blessed am I And you, sister and brother Let's praise our God And uplift one another.

How To Commune With God Through Nature


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