Monday, September 3, 2012

Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Love this quote! Heard it relayed by a religious preacher on television recently.Who would have thought that discipline is the key access point to freedom.Seems incongruent to a point given people's relationship to discipline.The discipline I wish to focus is discipline of the mind.I live my life by the following mantra..EVERYTHING I THINK, SAY, DO, BE IS ONLY EVER FOCUSED ON WHAT FORWARDS MY GAME.Think about every thought you have in a 24 hour period.These thoughts manifest your current reality.If you focus on fear, worry, anxiety, inner critic dialogue, confusion, issues, problems, challenges then this plays a part in how you experience your world.Most people are not clear on what their game is, and I can guarantee you this, if you don't know what it is, you can't win it.Can you imagine the difference it would make if you became disciplined in what you focus on?I spend every waking 24 hour period only ever focusing on what forwards my ultimate calling.I monitor everything I think, everything I say, everything I am doing and who I am being, every moment of every day.As a result my game gets forwarded.The education I have created is focused on what is termed 'Awareness Based Training'.Once you are aware you have a choice in any given moment.Some people say to me 'Do you mean to say I have to monitor every single thought I have every single moment of every single day?' - my response - YES - if you wish to be the master of your own destiny.To live in this way requires discipline, requires commitment, requires stalwart dedication to the game you are playing.Most people feel if they focus on what they want at a level this is being selfish.Most people's relationship to 'being selfish' is viewed as bad.I believe there are two contexts to everything.An empowered context and a disempowered context.The empowered context of 'being selfish's is this. The key access point to success.There is not one successful person on this planet who has not learnt to embrace 'being selfish', with their time, with their cause.I learnt along time ago that if I do not focus on forwarding MY game, I would never win it.I had to learn to say 'no'.God that was a cathartic day that day when I learnt I could say 'no' without any form of justification.If others judge another as a result of you changing then this says more about them than it does about you.So what do I recommend.-.1.Get clear on what your game is.2.Monitor every single thought against what you say motivates you - and if you do not know what motivates you then find out - it's a key anchor to living an empowered life.3.Learn to be selfish with your time, its allowed.4.The speed with which you shift your thoughts is critical for they are creating your current reality.5.How you language your world also holds resonance - watch how you language your world for this will create your experience of the world - if you want your world to shift you need to shift your language.6.Form a new relationship to discipline, it truly is the key access point to experiencing freedom.7.Monitor for 1 full day where your thoughts are focused? How much of your time is spent focused on fear, confusion, procrastination, issues, problems, challenges, inner critic dialogue etc - you have to get how powerful you are, your thoughts everyday are creating your current reality.8.Are you ready to have what you want in your life in every area? This will be a direct result of adopting the mantra above.9.How do you become this disciplined you may ask? Chose it moment by moment and watch your experience of the world shift VERY fast.10.The analogy I would use would be winning lotto and not collecting the winnings - you have choice at every given moment and its FREE, its on tap, all you need do is realize it and apply it.To reach a level of unconscious competency with this way of living has you change in the eyes of others for there are few people on this planet that live to this level of discipline.Try it on, I challenge you to determine your own destiny by living to this level of discipline in your life!

Discipline Determines Your Destiny


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