Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Calm Relationships, Developing Character - God Is Unchangeable

Calm Relationships, Developing Character - God Is Unchangeable

God promised a life of love, wisdom, and quiet confident strength and will never repent or change.Character firmness binds faithfulness.He acts out of who He is, not out of what He feels.His action restores relationship life in the human experience.Christ Jesus invites all, who with unhesitating trust to confidently live, certain that God's promise leads into Heavenly Life, the superior way of being and living.The way is endless and unchangeable; eternal life.Character in essence and fundamental nature, in type of behavior, in consciousness, and in will, as it is in God, is unchangeable and perfect; immutable.Eternal God is above all and creator of all, and consistent.Science, the knowledge of observable creation facts and its cause, is a systematic arrangement of known facts for human understanding of what God has put in place and upholds in design perfection.Science is subject to change as unseen existing facts enlighten the mind.Mankind manifests complex, changeable, error prone behaviors always subject to fact which, along with will, motivates character adjustment and direction correction.Binding immutability of God is appropriately His character.In God's faithfulness the necessary part which makes people human and not animal, is not only recognized, but honored; non-interference with willful people yet continually encouraging actions beyond body demanding instincts.The promised love, wisdom, and quiet confident strength shown in Jesus are God's intent for people as reasoned and relational in responsive Love; character.Decisively adopting and accepting God's character, each person willingly begins to mature in the eternal fundamental nature and essence of Heaven toward character calmness.God's chosen place of abode for His Spirit is in humanity and together with others is a new corporate body of Christ on earth.Jesus lived God's Spirit while here on earth, but ascended to complete preparation for people as sanctuary for His Spirit's dwelling.This inconceivable Spiritual mystery, preceded by Old Testament foreshadowing and prophesying Jesus' birth, His death, resurrection, and ascension, can only be grasped with insight (revelation) stimulated by the comforting indwelling perfect (Holy) Spirit.Following 10 days of unceasing anticipatory prayer, Heavenly Life (God's perfect Spirit--the Holy Spirit) encompassed the lives of ordinary people.Experiencing loss of the comforting person, followed for three years, folks gathered expecting to receive a new unknown comfort, a new promised comforter--a new insight into God's nature.A new enlivening Spirit of Love, Wisdom, and quiet comforting strength descended, manifesting in a new confident character changing freedom.Many will think of Heaven as a place where God is; as a place of entitlement with hope of going there when death happens.Scripture outlines Heaven as a life which lasts forever and of God's closeness now; the relational experience for every day, hour and minute.Jesus said the 'relational' Kingdom is at hand, now as well as future.Feeding and clothing the widows and orphans is now.Only out of the gift of God's Spirit, can the true character of God be manifested here on earth; God's eternal will.People are happy to pray "thy Kingdom come on earth" without the immanence realization of this daily prayer; thy Kingdom comes on earth "as it is in Heaven" with a human element; willingness.From ones relationship with Father God, to relationship with another, God's character appears on earth.Spiritually quickened Word seeds, stored in each heart, responsively returns to memory to plant in the receptiveness of another.The sprouting 'true' human loving maturity in the world is the place Jesus promised to prepare for each person's unique growth.From Father God's Holiest presence, beyond the veil of fleshly desires, Christ Jesus sends the Spirit of God into spiritually bankrupt (fallen) humanity to transform the heart into a holy sanctuary.Fellowship with Father God, in His Spirit, lights the maturing heart's pathway to faithfully invest heart fellowship in others.Relationship with God and relationship with others successfully concludes in reconciliation; Heaven's Joy and Peace experience.Prayer. Father God I have accepted your Spirit Life into my spirit by believing and confessing that Jesus is the Christ.I now want to have my heart condition transformed by renewing my mind in your Word.I want to mature in the place where I live, to become more like Christ, consistent in word and deed with others.I want your Kingdom done on earth through me.Forgive my immaturity; for not preparing my heart.I want my heart as your heart; focused on relationships in your Spirit.Thank you, your guiding and teaching Spirit is my comfort.Amen.Keith Gaebel, Being Godly in an Ungodly World 2011.

Calm Relationships, Developing Character - God Is Unchangeable


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