Tuesday, September 25, 2012

California Vacation - Part 3 of a Day by Day Diary

California Vacation - Part 3 of a Day by Day Diary

Saturday, 07-07-07, was my 7th anniversary of marriage to my second husband.That's a lot of sevens, so I guess that makes us very lucky.Together, we have been married for 57 years if you include the time we did with our former spouses.Of course, 57 is more years than I have been alive so not all of those years count.We celebrated at the Black Angus Steakhouse with a frozen margarita that had barely enough mixer to color the ice and no alcohol that I could detect, so it doesn't count either.I'm still due one.We decided to look for luggage that would allow us to get home without another $80 overload fine at the airport.All those years of living with my mother, whose van has an automatic Wal-Mart finder, paid off.Wally World was quickly located, but we decided to let them keep their over-priced, poor quality luggage set.We did buy sunglasses to shield our eye from the unrelenting sun here.Palm trees do not provide much shade.Hey, Mom! I took a picture and got some good video footage of the Wal-Mart.I know you are collecting them for your National tour of department stores.Personally, I'm collecting Starbuck's cups.There's a coffee shop on every corner in this town.Honestly, you can walk from one to the next before your first cup of Joe gets cool enough to drink.We drove around trying to familiarize ourselves with the city, or I should say cities (plural), since one community blended into the next without much fanfare.We found a Border's bookstore where we spent some precious and few moments in the airconditioning.They had some deeply discounted jumbo-sized coffee table books that we really wanted but realizing that we had neither a suitcase or nor a coffee table big enough to accommodate the purchase, we had the clerk call the Nashville store and put them on reserve.We can always buy a bigger coffee table.Besides, I liked the anatomy book with the life-sized pictures of men without their skin on.Once we get home and finish remodeling our kitchen, I'll have time to study them more closely.On Sunday, my husband played golf at 6.30 a.M.While I sneaked over to the condo lobby with my laptop to pick up my email.I know! I'm supposed to be on vacation, but I had to find out if any clients had inquired about my writing or editing services.I can't just leave the business to run itself while I'm away.Randy wants me to relax, and I promise I'm trying, but honestly, I think I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms from being away from my computer for 48 hours.My mouse finger keeps twitching involuntarily and I've noticed my hands naturally rest as if they were on the keyboard.What message are they typing? Right hand, fourth finger, top row.That's an O.Left hand, third finger, bottom row, C.Middle row D.Oh, my God! OCD!

California Vacation - Part 3 of a Day by Day Diary


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