Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Did You Celebrate Independence Day by Breaking Free From Your Personal Patterns?

Did You Celebrate Independence Day by Breaking Free From Your Personal Patterns?

I'm sitting here on Fourth of July 2012 contemplating the concept of freedom.Freedom is a big and important word to me.It is one of the values I hold most dear.From the freedom to get in my car and take off to an undiscovered place to the freedom I have created as an entrepreneur who can set my own schedule.Perhaps freedom is the very essence of my being and perhaps it comes from early life experiences where I felt I was being placed into narrow categories and boxes that never seemed to fit.Either way, I have come to recognize freedom as an essential value that I consciously cultivate in my life.While I appreciate all of my freedom, from living in a free country to all the choices I have on a daily basis, the freedom I cherish the most is the living freedom within.I have freedom from my challenging past, freedom from the patterns that plagued me no matter the circumstances and freedom from the internal limitations which prevented me from evolving into the woman I came here to be.One of the greatest steps on my evolutionary journey of freedom has been the independence of personal patterns.Personal patterns are patterns of energy that show up as our experience - thoughts, feelings, behaviors and physical manifestations.While it may seem that these parts of us are often disconnected, the truth is that it is impossible to disconnect the web of energy that is us and all of life.When we find ourselves repeatedly having the same experience and look at the pattern, we then dive deep into the source of our experience.From that place, we have the possibility of shifting the pattern and thereby shifting our experience.Our experience is not permanent - it is just our experience in that moment.The freedom we have is the ability to change our experience in an instant, regardless of the circumstances.Recently, I have been experiencing some real challenges in my own personal growth and in the midst of my pain, I created separateness.That separateness showed up in the assumptions I was making about myself and others.Some of them included. I assume others don't want to be around me or that others will be dragged down by my challenges.I assume that I have to figure things out and that I am alone in this journey.I assume that I have nothing to give, therefore am of no real worth and value.While these assumptions may have been true at one point in my life, the reality is that none of them are currently true.However, what happens for most of us is that these assumptions become the genesis of a personal pattern and it goes somewhat like this.These assumptions turn into operational beliefs, meaning that I orient myself around them as if they're an anchor which only allows me to float in a circle around it, never being free to experience the rest of the ocean.As I circle around and around these anchors (or beliefs), I become attached to them as my truth.Once the beliefs are my truth, then all of life reflects this truth - intentional or not.And that creates further evidence and entrenchment of my belief.From there, I start showing up in life as if these beliefs are in fact true.Perhaps I don't ask for help from others or I don't reveal my vulnerabilities or I withdraw and isolate, hiding my experience.And at this point, I have come full circle in my realization that I am the generator of my experience.It's at this point that my actions are now reinforcing and driving my experience.It's no longer just a thought or belief, it has moved into the realm of action.So on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - I am the source of my experience.Does this sound familiar to you? Do you see yourself in this pattern? Freedom from this pattern begins with the recognition of the pattern.You may have similar or different patterns, but the beauty of personal patterns is that we just have to understand how they work and from there we can shift them.Understanding personal patterns creates a tremendous opportunity for personal freedom.From awareness, we can create change.I'm wondering if there is a new freedom waiting for you as you transform your personal patterns?

Did You Celebrate Independence Day by Breaking Free From Your Personal Patterns?


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