Monday, September 24, 2012

When It's Time

When It

I don't know about you, but when I first accepted the call of God on my life, I was nervous, scared, worried, just to name a few emotions I was experiencing.Sometimes there was pressure from unsuspecting places.People who expected you to have the Bible memorized cover to cover because you acknowledged your calling.Those who were shocked when it appeared the ministers of God were not having a good day or a crisis of faith.The reality of laziness when you knew you should have gotten up to pray or that you allowed your study time to be invaded by _________________ (you fill in the blank).However, once I settled down and began this walk with the Lord, questions began to rise within me."What type of ministry would this be?" What would the Lord require of me?" "How would He use me?" "Where would He take me?" I am sure that the mature in God have never asked those questions, but is there anyone like me who have wondered these same things?God places us in the body as HE sees fit.Some are anointed for the masses.Some are anointed for a region.Then there are those whom He grooms for a particular time and place.I believe Huldah (2 Kings 22. 13-20) was one of those individuals.We don't get a rich history of her childhood or when she accepted the call of God on her life.We don't get a resume of all of the people whom she spoke over.We don't get a date and time of when she began to operate in the Office of The Prophet.However, what we do know is that she was consistent in prayer and fasting.We do know that her time with God was a priority.We do know that she was faithful.We do know that she had to balance family and the calling on her life.We do know that she knew how to walk in authority and under authority.We do know that at a time when women weren't suppose to do anything but sit home and have babies, that she went against the grain and did what God equipped her to do.How do we know?2 Kings 22.13-14."Go inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found.Great is the Lord's anger that burns against us because those who have gone before us have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us.".Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Askbor, Shaphan and Asaiah went to speak to the prophet Huldah, who was the wife of Shallum son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe.She lived in Jerusalem, in the New Quarter.When a word was needed by the King from God, the high priest and his court sought her out.God does not use a dull, unsharpened instrument in His hand.He uses an instrument that will work whenever He picks it up.Proverbs 18.6 tells us that our gift will make room for us and bring us before great men.What it does not say is when that will happen.So we stay faithful in our call.We stay diligent in our time of study and prayer.We learn balance with our assignment from God and the family He gave us.We continue in grace while we constantly learn to walk in authority and under authority.We do not worry about the resume.We don't get concerned when no one is calling us to come do conferences or travel from state to state.Because when it's time, The Lord will only choose an instrument that will not falter in His hands.When it's time, the Lord will find you wherever you are at.Whether it is a huge city or a small country town.When it's time, the Lord will need you fine tuned to his voice, not star gazed over who is coming to you or asking for you.When it's time, He needs you ready to speak truth to power.Not softening the word because you want to be invited back.Believe and know that God has a set time for when He is going to use the gift that He created in you.It may be everyday, all day.Or it may be for a particular time, at a particular place, for a particular people.Be ready in season and out of season.


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