Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ezekiel's Edge: Experiencing God in Interactive Heavenly Definition (HD)


Ezekiel is one book of the Bible that has confused and bewildered many a Christian scholar.The messages of this book are very bold, dramatic and clearly defined, so it's not the message that catches one off guard.It is how God delivers the message to the prophet Ezekiel that one finds very bizarre.Nowhere in the Bible, except in the books of Daniel and Revelation, does any writer come close to the visions of God like Ezekiel.It is not unusual for people to call Ezekiel crazy, or for them to say that no one could ever understand what God was doing in this prophet's life.Unfortunately, these comments are typical of people who have limited understanding of how and why God speaks the way He does.We will prove that not only was the prophet Ezekiel sane, but for the times and seasons in which he lived, he was seeing portions of God in His Fullness.Let's call it experiencing God in HD; Heavenly Definition.This is the sharpest image available to men and women on earth who are not only obedient to God, but these are those who place no limits on how God chooses to communicate with his creations on earth.In our world of technology, the latest buzz term is HD TV, or High Definition Television, where the images are so sharp that it's like being there.This is supposed to be the most ultimate television viewing experience available.Now, if you really want the most ultimate vision experience that God has, then the Interactive Heavenly Definition is for you.But be warned, that Ezekiel described seeing God's body encased like fire, John in Revelation said God's eyes were like fire, and of course Moses saw God in a burning bush.Are you ready to meet the God who appears like fire to human's on earth.In HD? Well, if you're not, don't worry about it.In this writer's experience with HD visions, when God does appear as fire, it is because of a specific call and purpose; just like it was for Ezekiel, Moses and John.God had an urgent and vital message for these men to speak to his people (the church).Whether you are called to the office of the prophet or not, anyone can experience God in HD, by opening their hearts (the receiver) and minds (the transmitter) to the Spirit of God through prayer, fasting and meditation of scripture.Be warned.Do not seek visions or dreams from God.Seek to know more about God and his love and purpose for you.Then he will respond in the manner he feels you can handle.And, if you seek God with your whole heart, you are automatically tuned for HD, and it will come when God feels it is necessary.Remember God is holy; he does things according to his will, not ours.Now, that we have you prepared to receive, let's talk about the advantages of HD experiences.In the case of Ezekiel, the visions appeared during a time of extreme darkness for the people of God.They had been taken captive by the fiercest of their enemies.Ezekiel was also among the captives.They were all in the same predicament, so what would motivate Ezekiel to speak or incline the people of God to listen to him? In their hour of darkness, confusion and pain, the people needed an explanation of what was happening, and they needed direction on how to proceed from where they were.And this is where Ezekiel had an edge over all the other captives.God appeared to Ezekiel in His Glory to explain why the people were to be held captive and what they had to do to change the situation.When you have lost a job, a home or a loved one, what do you do? Who can make things right? Many people are suffering around the world, due to poor economic conditions, political upheavals, and threats of terror from their enemies.The realities of life are presenting some of the most impossible living conditions and the future looks bleak.So you need a solution for you and your family? Change your perspective and see things as God does.If is impossible for us, you better believe that God has a solution.So ask him to reveal what's going on and what you need to do, and he will.My first HD experience came when my 3-year-old son was kidnapped by his father during a week-end visitation, many years ago.I was weeping on the floor, and in my weakness I cried out to God.I wanted to know why he let this happen.And God responded boldly by telling me that he was in control of the situation.Then he told me that my disobedience caused this and other things to occur in my life.You, see, I married the man, God told me to stay away from.When I repented, two things happened.In a vision, it was if God's hand came out of heaven and it enclosed my heart.When it did, the love of God filled my entire being.At that moment, I knew I was forgiven.Then later that week, while attending a prayer meeting at a friend's church, I had another HD vision.As my body became very warm and a screen appeared and my spirit leaped into the screen where I find myself and my son swimming in soothing warm waters.The vision was so clear that I could feel the water on my skin.The vision continues as my son and I look up and exit the water, and a man's hand is there to help us.The minute we touched the man's hand, my son and I were clothed in white robes.The man, also wearing a white robe, placed us on his white horse and we all rode off together in joy.The man was Jesus, and his horse had a green laurel upon its head.This vision gave me peace and understanding enough to carry the 17 years it took before my son and I were reunited.And, no matter what the naysayers and the doomsayers were speaking about me and my son, I had heard from God and knew that things were in his control.God will speak to anyone who will completely empty themselves in humble submission before him, and seek his face.It's a place of complete dependence upon God as our source for all we need; whether it is an explanation, direction, or a physical or psychological need.You don't have to wait for the dark times either, God is waiting for us to diligently seek him, anytime.And, if we obey him and yield ourselves to his will instead of our own, we can have the Heavenly Definition (HD) experience every day.



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