Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spiritual Power - How Can Operating in the Spiritual Realm Bring Prosperity on Earth?

Spiritual Power - How Can Operating in the Spiritual Realm Bring Prosperity on Earth?

Spiritual power is available for those willing to learn how to use it and improve it.Just like we can increase the power of our minds and bodies to improve our life, we can increase our spiritual powers to manifest abundant prosperity in all areas of life.Spirit, Soul, and Body.We are three-part beings; spirit, soul (mind), and body.It is normal for people to go to school, study, and take classes throughout life to improve their minds and intellect.It is also a common practice for people to learn how to strengthen and condition their bodies for improved physical strength.These are all good things that improve our overall quality of life and ability to have growing prosperity.But what about the spirit part of our being? How easy is it to ignore that part of us that we cannot see, touch, or feel?The thing is; even though the spiritual realm is invisible it still affects our physical world.The condition of our spirit can be strengthen and improved, just like our mind and body, and it also directly affects the quality of our life.So if you have been neglecting this part of yourself, today is a good day to reconsider the power of the human spirit.Spiritual Power.What part of you doesn't grow old? Your inward man, your spirit; it is renewed day by day and never ages."Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day." -- 2 Corinthians 4.16.It is vital that you realize the Kingdom of God is inside you and operates through your spirit.As a child of God it was your spirit that was born again of the Spirit of God.You now have the life of God in you, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.When the Greater One is working inside our spirit it is capable of providing everything we need in this life, whether it be spiritual, physical, or financial.It can produce it, lead us to it, or cause it to come.However, we need to learn how to tap into this power and allow our spirit to operate effectively.Operating in the Spiritual Realm.Our own spirit knows more than our intellect.It is our spirit, inside us, that is the real us that is in contact with God and knows all about our needs, failures, and strengths."For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him." -- 1 Corinthians 2.11.If we learn to tap into the power of our spirit by seeking first the Kingdom of God and studying His Word, we can tap into the wisdom of God and have all things added to us and prosper.God's system will produce abundance when we are diligent to work the system.It requires getting His Word into our heart and spirit and not just our intellect.Why? Because it is a spiritual operation.We can plant it in our spirit and start it growing by confessing something such as the following daily..'I give and it is given unto me.I sow bountifully and reap bountifully.My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.'.When we begin to operate in the spiritual realm, we empower ourselves with a positive force that wards off negative attacks.This positive, spiritual, faith force works on a higher realm than the physical realm and causes the abundance of God to manifest in our lives even if others are in lack.Truth is. Knowing how to operate on a higher spiritual realm is worth discovering.When we operate in the realm of the spirit with God, we will find His wisdom and empowerment to bring us growing prosperity on earth.May you operate on a higher spiritual realm and live a life of growing prosperity!

Spiritual Power - How Can Operating in the Spiritual Realm Bring Prosperity on Earth?


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