Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System

Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System

Spiritual Truth is something to know, to experience, not something to believe in.The joy and love and peace of God can be actually experienced once you know how to access it.Do you need a belief system to know how many heads are sticking up out of your neck? If I told you you had 18 heads sticking out of your neck, would a debate even be necessary? No.You know you have only one physical head.You experience it.You know it.No belief system or opinion is necessary.It's when you lack the complete knowingness and experience that the weaker substitute of belief or opinion (which only exist in ego, not in reality) is necessary.Whether or not Jesus turned water into wine, or whether Adam and Eve actually existed, it's not something we can actually experience.Thus, it's basically a question of whether you believe in it or not.Since there's no way of proving it one way or another, all you have are people arguing and defending their belief systems which is essentially a big house of cards.People are terrified of what will happen if their cards come tumbling down.What are some spiritual truths that can be experienced and that really make a DIFFERENCE in your life?* You are God also.* You are a Creator.* You are pure Love, Joy, Peace, and Bliss.A lot of people like to buy into these things or not as if they're some sort of belief system.Why? Because they have yet to figure out how to actually EXPERIENCE them.So, how do we experience the Love of God?Do the thymus thump and open your heart chakra.Immediately you'll start to feel better.Your heart will open and you will reconnect with the Love of God.This feeling of Joy starts to radiate through your body and it's clear that you don't need a belief system one way or another to recognize that this Love needs nothing, requires nothing, and Loves everything without condition.The same is true with God's Love.He needs nothing, not your worship, approval, acceptance, sacrificial goats, or even your Love in return.God's Love radiates towards all without condition, without exception.You, too, can reach this state on a permanent basis by surrendering away the ego you have and choosing Love again and again in every moment.Let go of resistance.Let go of all resistances to Love.Any time you're experiencing suffering, negativity, or anything you would call "bad," it's a sign that the ego has popped in and you are somehow resisting reality, resisting love, resisting life itself.That experience can be used as a trigger to let you know that there's something you're resisting and something that needs to be surrendered in order to reconnect to the Love of God.Want to experience yourself as a Creator? Go have sex.Make babies.You'll literally create a new being from pure energy.Learn about manifestation.We're all manifesting in every moment of every day.The thing is that most people do it unconsciously.They're playing the game without knowing the rules.Learning about the Law of Attraction is nothing magical.It's basically just being taught the rules of the game you're already playing and then choosing to play the game consciously, deliberately.You can experience the creation of whatever you so desire.If you have the capability of imagining it, the universe has the capability of creating it.You ARE the universe.You ARE God.Want to experience the Peace of God? Quit making judgments and simply make observations.Become the awareness, the silent witness of All That Is.By doing this, you will begin to bypass the ego.The content of the world will begin to pass into your awareness without first being filtered by the ego and subsequently judged, labeled, categorized, compared, and dulled down.Instead of absorbing the appearance and your ego's opinion of your surroundings, you will begin to absorb the pure essence of All That Is.You will begin to see everything in its true nature.You will begin to see the beauty and perfection of All That Is.All reaction (that is, to re-act) is based upon previous experience and is an automated response determined by what worked last time given similar conditions.You become basically a machine and lose the experience and wonder of existence.Creation, on the other hand, is a new choice based in the Now moment, not something that happened in the past.As you begin to see everything for what it really is, you see that everything is in a constant state of creation.Everything is being created anew.It may look similar to how it did last week, but that's only its appearance.It's actually created itself in a manner that looks the same.It's really a completely new being.The world will begin to fill with wonder and beauty.It's not a matter of seeing something new that wasn't already there.No.What you're actually doing is letting go of the ego's filters and seeing with new eyes, true eyes, God's eyes.You begin to see things as they ACTUALLY are.EVERYTHING is beautiful, perfect, wonderful, glorious, and pure Love itself.Everything has its place and is part of the totality of the universe.You will begin to merge back into this totality and experience states of extreme bliss and indescribable ecstasy.You will experience the Love of God himself.Then, when others ask you if you believe in God or not, you'll find that there's no need to believe in God for you already experience Godliness in every moment of every day.Everything EVERYTHING is God and once you begin to experience all this, it becomes amusingly apparently that there really is no need to believe in God or not.God is.In reality, everyone is experiencing God in every moment of every day.It's simply a matter of realizing it, not believing it.Choose to know God, to experience God, and you will.So let's walk this path back home, back to to God.Let's live together, laugh together, love together, and play together, joyously.Life is meant to be fun.Live lightly.That's enlightenment.Aaaahhhhhh.YOU ARE TRULY LOVED!

Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System


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