Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Immediately Make Your Life Better and Happier With a Simple Shift in Your Day to Day Focus

How to Immediately Make Your Life Better and Happier With a Simple Shift in Your Day to Day Focus

What quality of decisions are you bringing to your life? Are you deliberately making decisions throughout your day which align with the happier, healthier life you desire, or do you find that the majority of your decisions just tend to happen with little or no conscious awareness? If you find yourself in the latter category, as most people do, there is a simple shift in focus you can make which will help to make your life better and happier almost immediately.If you are like most people, you spend the majority of your thinking on "stuff" that happened yesterday, or last week, or last year, or in your childhood.Typically, you are constantly replaying old movies in your head.If you don't buy into this idea, spend a day honestly observing your own thoughts.You will come to see the truth in it.How can you be happy right now if you are focused on -- or even dwelling upon -- things that happened in the past? This is particularly important given your natural tendency is likely to focus upon negative memories.To compound matters, a natural consequence of excessively focusing on negative past outcomes is that they begin to spill over into your thinking about the future and pretty soon you are overcome with fear doubt and worry.Your happiness is anchored to how you feel right now.How can you be happy right now if you are spending all of your time rehashing yesterday or worrying about tomorrow? You can't.So the trick is to be present.Shift your thinking and focus onto right now and what you are presently doing.When you place your attention on the present moment, you open yourself up to being engaged in what's happening in the present moment -- and this is where you will discover happiness resides.You will never be able to find it if you remain focused on something that happened long ago or even 10 minutes ago, or that might happen tomorrow.When you keep replaying the past over and over in your head, you are attempting to hold onto something that cannot be changed; it's already done.The more you attempt to hold onto something, the more it repels.Let go of the past; it's gone and you can't change it.And let go of your worry about tomorrow; while you can prepare as best as possible, you can't control what will happen tomorrow.Let go of those conversations and realize that right now you are best served to be thinking about right now.Do your present thoughts and actions best serve you in moving towards where you wish to go? Are you taking the time to enjoy what you're doing right now? Are you living in and fully experiencing this present moment? These are the decisions you have complete control over and which will lead you to to a happier life.Would you like more information about how to live a better, happier life? Subscribe to my newsletter and get our free 7 Steps to Happiness eCourse here now. Living a Happier Life.

How to Immediately Make Your Life Better and Happier With a Simple Shift in Your Day to Day Focus


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