Thursday, July 5, 2012

How To Have A Spiritual Experience Every Day

How To Have A Spiritual Experience Every Day

The Bible.The Holy Bible says, "God is Spirit," and it also states, "Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord." Put the two together and you have a spiritual universe.This is a completely spiritual universe made out of the spiritual substance of God's presence.Everything in this universe is pure spirit.The trees, the buildings, the pets, etc.-pure Spirit.And you too- nothing but pure Spirit.Walk around your home letting your eyes rest on different objects.As you do, say to yourself, "This is a spiritual form." Throughout your day as you look at bodies of people and things remind yourself that the various forms you see are spiritual forms.Just this shift of perception will benefit every area of your life.Why? First and foremost it keeps your mind stayed on the Spirit of God.It is true what the Bible says, "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.".Spiritual Experience Is.Spiritual experience is experience comprising exactly what God is.God is love.God is light.God is joy.God is life.God is power.God is perfection.Having a spiritual experience is experiencing love, joy, peace, power, perfection and all that God is.Reader, since God is omnipresence can experience be anything but spiritual? A material experience is nothing but a spiritual experience mis-perceived.In the midst of seeming confusion claim "I am having a spiritual experience," and know that this means you are really experiencing Love and Joy.In the midst of seeming illness claim "I am having a spiritual experience." This is not making disease spiritual, rather it is realizing that this seeming illness is really perfection mis-perceived.Claim the perfection.Frequent Reminder.For an empowering pick-me-up, throughout the day remind yourself of this truth. "I am a spiritual being, living in a spiritual world, governed by spiritual laws, having a spiritual experience." You are not saying this to make it become true.You are saying it because it is true.Try it just for a week.Don't struggle with it.Meditation Point.Take this same statement into your meditation.Say it slowly a few times.Savor each phrase.Then, in silence ask your God Consciousness to teach you the deeper meaning of the phrases.Listen expectantly just for a few minutes each day.Never mind if nothing seems to happen.Something is happening.You may not hear a "voice." It is possible that you will experience a profound peace, or perhaps a sense of knowing.Again, do this for just a week.

How To Have A Spiritual Experience Every Day


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