Saturday, July 14, 2012

True Success and Provision Only Lie on God's Shining Path - 2 Vital Keys to Godly Prosperity

True Success and Provision Only Lie on God

Everybody wants to have success in life and wants their children to experience success too.Isn't that what drives us out of bed each morning and keeps us going each day, -- that hope that somehow we are heading for a better life by doing what we endeavor to accomplish day by day?But what is true success about anyway? The media tries to sell us the following image of a successful person. a good looking young business man or woman who is enthusiastically waving their briefcase full of money while they are off to work with a huge smile on their face.In God's eyes this is a very poor view compared to what He has in mind for us.The Bible says that "the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it."(Proverbs10.22).God wants us to have a huge smile on our face while we are about to pull off yet another successful endeavor, and He wants to abundantly bless our finances too.But for Him it doesn't stop there.He has greater plans for our lives.You see, we were not made to just have a good life for ourselves on this planet.True fulfillment only comes once we pass on what God has given to us.These 2 vital keys to Godly prosperity are in harmony with our true human essence, --what we were truly created for in the first place..Number one.Being a good steward over what God has given us. our gifts, our talents our belongings.Number two.And then impacting this world for good in some way with whatever God has put in our hands.Yes, let's pursue success, and yes, let's accumulate wealth by developing our talents to the max.But let's lift our eyes beyond our drive for mere provision.Let's always ask, "God, what is my assignment? What do you want me to do for others while I am here on earth?".Only then will you experience the fulfillment everybody is yearning for so much.

True Success and Provision Only Lie on God


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