Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happiness: Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day

Happiness: Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day

Happiness is easy when you learn the secret to adding happy moments to every day of your life.You don't have to wait for happiness.You can have it right now, today!If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things happening in your personal life, you know how distracting and stressful that can be.It doesn't create a lot of happiness.So.What is the secret to Feeling Happy no matter what you are doing?Here's the answer.You can be happy every day when you learn to - Live in the Moment-.Living in the moment means you are totally immersed in an experience.You can relate to this when you think of the special times in your life.Every Life Has Some Magical Moments - What Are Yours?Think back on the events in your life that you vividly remember.Those are the events where you were -living in the moment-.Even though years have passed, you can still remember all the details.My Wedding Day Although many years have passed since my wedding day, and I can still picture myself as a young bride dressed in a beautiful white gown.I can still hear our "special song" and feel the immense joy I felt then as I walked down the aisle toward my soon-to-be husband.The Day I Conquered the Mountain I vividly remember my first ski trip when, after taking my first chairlift ride up the mountain, I didn't know how I would ever get down.I was terrified! As I slowly skied down the slope with my instructor, I was so frightened I was shaking, but I was also experiencing the thrill of the moment.I will always remember the incredible feeling I experienced as I finally reached the bottom - conquering my first ski slope.Most Days Have Ordinary Moments Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life.However, most days don't contain special events, and unless you learn to live in the moment, worry, fear, resentments or other distractions will rob you of your happiness.Wayne Dyer in his many books talks about the compulsion some people have of always wanting more before they can be happy - more money, a better house, a fancier car, a better spouse, etc.Those people never get to a place of arriving - or enjoying the moment.Ten Easy Ways to Practice - Living in the Moment.Living in the moment takes practice because you are used to being distracted.Make a special effort to consciously practice being totally immersed in what you are doing for some time every day.When distracting thoughts enter your mind, simply refocus on what you are doing.Here are some ideas to get you started.1.Take a Bubble Bath Play some soft music.Relax and feel the warmth of the water.Just think of how you are enjoying the moment.2.Drive a Different Route to Work Get off the highway, and take the city streets to work.As you drive, notice the trees and houses as you pass through different neighborhoods.Going a different way will also help you concentrate on your surroundings.3.Eat a Gourmet Meal Set aside money for your special dinner so that you won't feel guilty about spending the money.You will experience living in the moment as you enjoy the total experience of the atmosphere, the service, the people you are with, and the delicious food.4.Play a Sport For example, when you play tennis, you have to concentrate and be aware of everything that is happening at the moment.There isn't time to lament over the last shot because another one is coming right back at you.5.Dance to Your Favorite Music You will become immersed in the music as your body moves to it, and you will begin to feel vibrant and alive.6.Play a Card Game When you play games such as bridge or poker, you have to concentrate or you risk losing the game.7.Take up a Creative Hobby Painting, woodwork, or crafts will absorb all your attention as you focus on your creation.8.Take a Vacation Vacations are rejuvenating and energizing because you are physically away from the day-to-day cares of living and totally immersed in sight seeing or other vacation activities.9.Look at the Funny Side of Life Notice how people who are always preoccupied with worry, resentment or other things don't usually have a sense of humor.Having a sense of humor requires living in the moment because you have to look all around for the funny things that are happening.10.Keep a Journal At the end of each day, write about the moments when you were totally present.Every week review your journal.Doing this, will encourage you to concentrate on what you are doing.By practicing the secret of -living in the moment- a little more every day, you will develop a habit that will add meaning, vitality, and yes, that elusive feeling of happiness, to every day of your life.

Happiness: Learn the Secret to Feeling Happy Every Day


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