Friday, August 31, 2012

We Have to Get Our Feet Wet

We Have to Get Our Feet Wet

Recently I preached a sermon based on Joshua 3.It seemed to help many people think through the issue of having faith when facing challenging times.In order to understand this passage of scripture, we must remember that forty years earlier Moses had led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.For forty years they had wandered in the wilderness because of their lack of faith that God could take them all the way into the Promised Land.Many of us have spent many years wandering in a spiritual wilderness.Somewhere along the way we became Christians but we have yet to experience the promises of God.Verse 1 - Joshua started early the next morning and left Acacia Grove with all the Israelites.They went as far as the Jordan and stayed there before crossing.Joshua started out early in the morning.God often interacted with His people early in the morning.It was early in the morning that Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah to test his faith.It was early in the morning that Moses stood before Pharaoh and told him to let the people go.It was early in the morning that David battled Goliath.It was early in the morning when the women went to the tomb and found Jesus already resurrected.Therefore, it makes sense that it was early in the morning when God told Joshua to take the people into the Promised Land.Though we can spend time with God at any point in the day, if we fail to do it early in the morning, most of us get so busy that we never get around to it the rest of the day.They journeyed for several miles before making camp.Though this may seem like a short distance, remember that Joshua was leading a very large group of people.When we try to lead a larger group, everyone has an opinion or an idea and they all want to go in different directions.We need effective leaders but being a leader is not easy.In fact, leadership is in great demand and short supply.God has also asked men to be leaders in their families.Sadly, many men have failed to do that and families are struggling as a result.Pray for men to step up and lead their families.Every company or organization needs capable leadership.When good leadership is present, people can go far.When bad leadership is present, people become paralyzed and unable to move.We should all endeavor to be good leaders in whatever circles of influence we are in.Verses 2-3 - After three days the officers went through the camp and commanded the people. "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God carried by the Levitical priests, you must break camp and follow it.When we see God at work, we must be willing to break camp and follow.We tend to get comfortable with the way things are and do not like it when God tells us to break camp.God does not always do things the way we think He should and He seldom leaves us in our comfort zone for very long.But whatever God does is always the best way things should be done so we should learn to follow Him where ever He leads.Verse 4 - But keep a distance of about 1,000 yards between yourselves and the ark.Don't go near it, so that you can see the way to go, for you haven't traveled this way before.As Joshua led the people, he told them to keep a certain distance from the Ark.Joshua was not suggesting that they needed to keep a distance between themselves and God.Verse 9 tells us they needed to get as close to God as possible.Joshua simply wanted the people to be able to see the Ark at all times so they would not lose perspective on what God was doing.Too many of us have lost sight of God in our journey through life and we need to regain our perspective.Sometimes we get so busy that we lose sight of God in our lives and taking a step back helps us regain our perspective.If we are too busy to think, we need to step back and eliminate something.If we are too busy to pray, we need to step back and eliminate something.If we are too busy to worship, we need to step back and eliminate something.We must make sure we do not eliminate the very thing we need most, time with God!Joshua reminded the people that though they had not traveled this way before, God would guide them if they stayed focused.Life is full of surprises and we often do not know what lies ahead.This can be scary, but God will guide us.Verse 5 - Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, because the LORD will do wonders among you tomorrow.".If we want God's guidance, we must consecrate ourselves.Consecrate comes from the Hebrew word kaw-dash and it means to prepare, dedicate, make holy, or be separate.How often have we really prepared ourselves to hear from the Lord? How dedicated to God are we? What aspects of our lives have we made holy? Have we done anything to set ourselves apart for the Lord? These are challenging questions for each of us.Too many of us are so busy trying to fit into this broken messed up world that we have failed to grasp what God is trying to do.If we want to see God do wonders, we should stop trying to imitate a messed up world and start acting more like Christ.We will not see the wonders of God unless we set ourselves apart for God.If we are living unholy lives, do we really think God will bless us? We must be willing to live right before a holy God if we expect Him to do wonders in our lives.Verse 6 - Then he said to the priests, "Take the Ark of the Covenant and go on ahead of the people." So they carried the Ark of the Covenant and went ahead.Joshua told the priests to carry the Ark out in front so everyone could see it.The ark itself was not spiritual.The ark was just a physical symbol of God's Presence.We often need such symbols to help us visualize the Presence of God in our lives.That is why we wear crosses, or display them in our homes.That is why we observe communion.That is why we light candles.That is why we publicly baptize people.That is why we anoint people with oil.That is why most churches prefer to have a specific building in which to worship.None of these things are spiritual in themselves; they are powerful symbols that help us focus more clearly on the Lord.God was about to show the Israelites another powerful symbol that would seal in their minds His power and provision.Verse 8 - Command the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant. 'When you reach the edge of the waters, stand in the Jordan.To understand this verse, we must remember biblical history from Exodus.When the Israelites left Egypt, God parted the Red Sea so they could go across.Forty years later the Jordan River stood in the way of the people finally being able to enter the Promised Land and God was going to part it so they could cross over.God was trying to show a new generation that He was still in charge and had the same power that He had in previous generations.Parting the Jordan became a symbol of God's power that they would remember for generations.What stands in our way keeping us from experiencing God's blessings and promises? Did we get hurt by someone? Time to let it go! Have we refused to obey God regarding baptism or church involvement? Time to jump in with both feet! Have we willfully ignored something God clearly told us to do? Time to start obeying! Whatever we have let come between us and experiencing all that God wants for us, we need to let it go so we can cross over the Jordan and enter the Promised Land!Verse 15 - Now the Jordan overflows its banks throughout the harvest season.The river God asked them to cross was at flood stage! It took a lot of faith for them to trust God and step out into the water.It seemed like what God was asking them to do was crazy, but they could not enter the Promised Land without moving forward.We all experience our floods from time to time.But when the river is overflowing its banks the most is exactly when God is calling us to experience His power the greatest!Verses 15-16 -.But as soon as the priests carrying the ark reached the Jordan, their feet touched the water at its edge and the water flowing downstream stood still.As soon as the priests took that first step into the water, God did His part.But nothing was going to happen until they first stepped out into the water and got their feet wet.This must have been a hard thing to trust God for and even harder to actually do.But it was the way God worked then and it is the way God still works today.We must be willing to get our feet wet if we want to see the power of God displayed in our lives.We must be willing to step out into the water and do our part while trusting God to do His.Too often we want God to do everything for us and while He clearly has the power to do everything, most often He waits for us to do our part.Our God is a miracle working God but we have to get our feet wet and step out in faith and trust the Lord if we want to see those miracles.Verse 17 - The priests carrying the ark of the LORD's covenant stood firmly on dry ground.The leaders of God's people, carrying the symbol of God's Presence among them, stood firmly in the midst of the flood believing God would make a way for them to cross into the Promised Land.Too many of us do not stand firmly in our faith.We start, and then stop, our spiritual journey.We move one step forward and two steps backward.It is time to stand firm in our faith and watch God do His work in our lives.The Israelites had seen God provide for them in the desert, so they knew God had great power.But they needed this "experience" in the Jordan to help burn into their minds the need to stand firm for God.We often need an experience of some type in order to seal some decision we are trying to make for God.God often gives us some type of experience to let us know He is there and we should be grateful when He does.Conclusion..We may not know exactly what God will do in our lives or how He will help us overcome whatever challenge we are facing, but it is time to get our feet wet and step out and trust Him.

We Have to Get Our Feet Wet

Experiencing God Day By Day Cheap God's Promises Devotional Journal: 365 Days Of Experiencing The Lord's Blessings

Experiencing God Day By Day See God's Promises Devotional Journal: 365 Days of Experiencing the Lord's Blessings Details

List Price : $16.99 Price :
as of 2012-08-31 11:35 PM
God's Promises Devotional Journal: 365 Days of Experiencing the Lord's Blessings

Product Description

A guided journal to lead you through the promises God has for every believer.

More than 20 of our leading Christian authors bring inspiration andencouragement every day of the year. Guided questions and commentarygentlylead the way for personal meditation and reflection on God's promisesfor yourlife. Journaling space is provided for recording your thoughts andprayers, and for promoting quality quiet time alone with the Lord.

    God's Promises Devotional Journal: 365 Days of Experiencing the Lord's Blessings Reviews

    Experiencing God Day By Day : God's Promises Devotional Journal: 365 Days of Experiencing the Lord's Blessings Reviews
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    4.0 out of 5 stars Start Reading Anytime, April 20, 2012
    Though the "God's Promises Devotional Journal" wasn't exactly what I expected, I wasn't disappointed in it either. It is an attractive, hardcover devotional journal--as it says it is. Within, there is one half-page devotional thought for each day of a year. The lower half of each page has a question to consider and lined space for the reader's personal answers, ideas, and prayers. The text is green to match the leaf theme of the cover and gentle background design inside.

    The devotionals themselves come from the published works of several writers. Some are my favorites: Max Lucado, Catherine Marshall, Sarah Young, Barbara Johnson and more. Though I have most of these writer's books already, it's nice to find specific thoughts singled out in a different format to be considered in another way. Other writers have recently been introduced to me: David Jeremiah, R.C. Sproul, Sheila Walsh, Anne Graham Lotz, Henry and Richard Blackaby, and more. I was thankful for the opportunity... Read more
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    5.0 out of 5 stars God's Promises Review, March 6, 2012
    This book is called "God's Promises Devotional Journal" It is a very wonderful book. It is a day by day devotional. There is a scripture for each day and a teaching. Then they ask a question for you to ponder on after each passage, and they have space for you to record your thoughts or answer.. I liked this book because it is not written by one author. It is a collaboration of many different devotionals and many different authors, all put into one. (Billy Graham, Sarah Young, John Hagee, etc.) But there is one main theme, God's love and His promises to you! Would make a great wedding gift or Christmas gift. I love mine
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    3.0 out of 5 stars God's Promises Devotional, January 17, 2012
    Claire (Ontario, Canada) - See all my reviews
    A variety of books on today's market have been written to inspire users in their quest for intimacy with God. Earlier this year, Thomas Nelson published God's Promises Devotional Journal with those people in mind.

    Each entry in this hardcover volume follows the same format. First is a brief epigraph. A passage of one to three paragraphs follows, featuring words of wisdom from a cherished Christian author. Each entry concludes with a question pertaining to your faith journey, followed by space for you to journal your response.

    I couldn't help but notice that the amount of space available for journaling was inconsistent. While many pages averaged about a half page worth of journal space, some had as little as four lines. What's a user to do if they require more space to write?

    In spite of this concern, this journal is a pleasure to read. If you are looking for an interactive devotional, God's Promises deserves consideration.
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    Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?

    Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?

    Your perception of absolutely everything is influenced by your vibration.As your Larger Self you cannot even reach into the lower vibrations.There is no experience of problem or suffering--only evolution, variety, and possibility.During the most recent 5 Day Silent Retreat while walking in the back pasture I came upon a four-inch long dried up grasshopper impaled on a hard, dry two-inch long mesquite tree thorn.I was startled and fascinated, and snapped the whole twig off and brought it in, pondering it's significance.Participants write down their questions for me, and I respond a couple of times a day.The big question of why God lets awful things happen came up--a woman wrote me a note wondering why her son died in Afganistan--and others had similar questions.Of course!First I soothed her very precious human sorrow, reminding her that her son is in bliss, but acknowledging that she was suffering from missing him and finding it hard to let him go.Then, delighted and amused that the impaled grasshopper had come to me in such perfectly magical timing, I brought it out and passed it around.I posed some questions.Is not God the grasshopper? Is not God both the thorn and the grasshopper? Is not God what everything and everyone is made of? How could God be absent from anything that happens? Are those who experience difficulties in this life not God in a physical body, having this experience on Earth? Isn't God experiencing it through us?Why would mountain climbers spend thousands of dollars, years of training, and weeks in sub zero temperatures, risking almost certain death or loss of frostbitten toes or fingers to climb Mount Everest? Why would race car drivers deliberately risk their lives at speeds of 250 miles per hour?Why do people pay to see horror movies and violent dramas of danger and mayhem? Why do some people relish fighting in hand to hand combat or war? Why do they choose to go back again and again to terrible fights with their loved ones?Doesn't Life seem to delight in all manner of dramas and an infinite variety of adventures? I pointed outside to the pasture, and remarked about the coyotes who eat the rabbits, and the hawks who eat the birds, and how God is both the hawk and the bird, and how they all play their roles and let go to their endings when it's time.In the Larger perspective any and all of these adventures are but the blink of an eye, and each of us returns to Oneness, and all is well.Most of us don't remember choosing to embark on these adventures, and so we dive fully but blindly into our physical lives, fully immersing ourselves in the reality of it.And wouldn't it take something away from our Earth experience if we didn't fully buy into the reality of it?You and I cannot live for nor vibrate for everyone on the planet--they get to choose how to do that for themselves.Each person is literally the center of the Universe--their own Universe.We can help and influence in whatever way we are guided to, and they benefit to whatever degree they can let it in.Sometimes we are guided to mind our own business, and other times to reach out.We help the most by keeping our vibration high, by lifting the collective vibration any time it is dropping.Joining in sorrow and despair and lowering the collective vibration helps no one, and only takes us down to that lower place.I too sometimes lose that Larger perspective and momentarily think, "Oh, no! This is so wrong!" before remembering to step back into Larger perspective, and remember, it's all an experience, and Life chooses all manner of experience.When the dinosaurs were wiped out by the large meteor that hit Earth, it wasn't a failure, it was a stage of evolution.The Presence not only is with me through it all--I AM that Presence in physical form.I am never abandoned.I chose my adventures and my challenges.The Presence cannot abandon me.The only questions are. "Am I there for myself, or do I abandon myself?" "Do I abandon The Presence, get out of alignment with my Large Self, and go off down dark tunnels of despair?".Most importantly, as you are choosing the life experience you choose, you cannot expect everyone else to do the same.You can create a life of joy and ease, and not encounter disasters.As your vibrational set point rises, you become less and less likely to line up with disasters.I plan to depart this planet deliberately when I choose to, without the need to set up an "accident", disaster, or illness.It is possible.Awake and aware people have done it, and I've even practiced a bit--just enough to show myself I can do it.People in disasters are choosing to depart, although not consciously.There are no accidental deaths.Every single time I have tapped in to someone who is suffering or dying, their spirit is in bliss, and soaring.If you experience anything but bliss when you contact someone's Large Self, it is YOUR vibration you're experiencing, not theirs.I felt into my own father's Large Self at a time when his human self was in suffering, and deep beneath his conscious understanding, bubbling, effervescent joy was all there was.I was awake outside under a starry sky all night the night he died, soaring with him in his liberation from a disease-wracked body.I never shed a tear for my father's passing, because I authentically never felt sorrow for his departure from that body.I think of him often, and laugh and direct humorous comments to him at times.I recently tapped in to a little girl in a coma to see if assistance in healing might be in order, and all there was inside of her was bliss.Her Large Self was, of course, ecstatic.Your Large Self always is.At the center of every hurricane is stillness and absolute peace.

    Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?

    Regaining Control of Your Life

    Regaining Control of Your Life

    Do you feel like your life goes a bit off track? Or have you heard someone you love commented on how you are dealing with your life lately? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you might be undergoing a confusion stage where you are either entertaining complacency or having too many existential questions that remained unanswered.Frustrations and trauma may cause someone to surrender the quest to move on and make life more wholesome and target happiness.After all, happiness is how a man defines it with particular set of standards in particular circumstances."I am happy and contented." If you utter these words, does it truly reflect what you are feeling right now or is it a shield for some turmoil inside you? When one experience a difficult time, there are three main possible tracks he will choose to follow.One, he will follow the track to move on and make the experience a learning experience.Two, sit down and live each day for compliance sake without thinking about other beloveds who may be severely affected by such decision (children, for example).Three, pretend that everything is fine, leave unresolved baggage and struggle to move on.The first way, is of course ideal.When you fall down, find the courage to stand up and move on your journey.That is easy to say.If you are already in a midst of an overwhelming frustration, it must be too difficult to even say these ideal concepts.The second option is of course problematic.Take divorce to illustrate this option.The concerned will just stop doing his daily tasks or what is expected of him.Day in and day out, he will keep staring on the walls or ceiling to pass the time.I mean here symbolically or literally.The third reaction is likewise a concern that needs to be addressed.If you move on with a heavy baggage on your shoulder, it will be difficult to cover a mile.Unless one recognizes the effect of carrying such baggage along, it will slow down someone's journey to his goals and aspirations.Most often than not, a person experiencing a whirlwind in his life may not even recognize where he is at.There is a need for someone to point it out that he is not doing well or his options are not really great options.Friends and relatives may serve to help someone realize this.Nevertheless, there are situations where friends and relatives may not be capable of scooping someone off the mess that he is drowning himself into.Regaining control of one's life is a personal choice - a personal will.Nonetheless, stimulating such will may come from an external source.If you are looking for the answers to your questions about life and you are determined to regain control of your life, the first move is to be at the right place.Look for resources that are effective and helpful.Simple tips that works - this is what you exactly need.If you are trying to answer the question "what is my purpose?" more information and answers can be found on my site.Live life to the fullest because it is too short!

    Regaining Control of Your Life

    Experiencing God Day By Day Get Cheap Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship

    Experiencing God Day By Day See Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship Details

    List Price : $9.99 Price :
    as of 2012-08-31 11:35 AM
    Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship

    Product Description

    Worship is an encounter with God—a life-changing experience.

    How long ago was your last life-changing experience? This morning? Last week? Can’t remember?

    In these pages are scriptural principles to guide you into a genuine worship experience. Of course you know whom to worship, but what about why, how, and when? And what does the Bible have to say about the significance of worship in a Christian life? Discover the simple yet profound answers that will transform your soul and leave you hungry for God’s presence.

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      Experiencing God Day By Day : Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship Reviews
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      5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Resource for Worship Leaders, August 13, 2012
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      This review is from: Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship (Kindle Edition)
      A well informed look into worship. Not as we think we know, but as God has instructed us. This goes far beyond music and atmosphere. It goes to the heart and soul. Not just 11 o'clock weekend worship, but seven day a week commune with God. If you are a bible based worshipper, you will appreciate Dr. Kidder's in depth study. Great for worship committee group study and a great aid in developing a God lead spirit of worship in our daily lives.
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      2.0 out of 5 stars Not what I wanted, May 15, 2012
      Wayne Slattery (New Mexico, USA) - See all my reviews
      (REAL NAME)   
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      I got this book because I wanted to know more about an ill defined concept, namely worship.I apologize for being vague, but this book didn't speak to me. Perhaps it will to others.
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      Thursday, August 30, 2012

      Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System

      Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System

      Spiritual Truth is something to know, to experience, not something to believe in.The joy and love and peace of God can be actually experienced once you know how to access it.Do you need a belief system to know how many heads are sticking up out of your neck? If I told you you had 18 heads sticking out of your neck, would a debate even be necessary? No.You know you have only one physical head.You experience it.You know it.No belief system or opinion is necessary.It's when you lack the complete knowingness and experience that the weaker substitute of belief or opinion (which only exist in ego, not in reality) is necessary.Whether or not Jesus turned water into wine, or whether Adam and Eve actually existed, it's not something we can actually experience.Thus, it's basically a question of whether you believe in it or not.Since there's no way of proving it one way or another, all you have are people arguing and defending their belief systems which is essentially a big house of cards.People are terrified of what will happen if their cards come tumbling down.What are some spiritual truths that can be experienced and that really make a DIFFERENCE in your life?* You are God also.* You are a Creator.* You are pure Love, Joy, Peace, and Bliss.A lot of people like to buy into these things or not as if they're some sort of belief system.Why? Because they have yet to figure out how to actually EXPERIENCE them.So, how do we experience the Love of God?Do the thymus thump and open your heart chakra.Immediately you'll start to feel better.Your heart will open and you will reconnect with the Love of God.This feeling of Joy starts to radiate through your body and it's clear that you don't need a belief system one way or another to recognize that this Love needs nothing, requires nothing, and Loves everything without condition.The same is true with God's Love.He needs nothing, not your worship, approval, acceptance, sacrificial goats, or even your Love in return.God's Love radiates towards all without condition, without exception.You, too, can reach this state on a permanent basis by surrendering away the ego you have and choosing Love again and again in every moment.Let go of resistance.Let go of all resistances to Love.Any time you're experiencing suffering, negativity, or anything you would call "bad," it's a sign that the ego has popped in and you are somehow resisting reality, resisting love, resisting life itself.That experience can be used as a trigger to let you know that there's something you're resisting and something that needs to be surrendered in order to reconnect to the Love of God.Want to experience yourself as a Creator? Go have sex.Make babies.You'll literally create a new being from pure energy.Learn about manifestation.We're all manifesting in every moment of every day.The thing is that most people do it unconsciously.They're playing the game without knowing the rules.Learning about the Law of Attraction is nothing magical.It's basically just being taught the rules of the game you're already playing and then choosing to play the game consciously, deliberately.You can experience the creation of whatever you so desire.If you have the capability of imagining it, the universe has the capability of creating it.You ARE the universe.You ARE God.Want to experience the Peace of God? Quit making judgments and simply make observations.Become the awareness, the silent witness of All That Is.By doing this, you will begin to bypass the ego.The content of the world will begin to pass into your awareness without first being filtered by the ego and subsequently judged, labeled, categorized, compared, and dulled down.Instead of absorbing the appearance and your ego's opinion of your surroundings, you will begin to absorb the pure essence of All That Is.You will begin to see everything in its true nature.You will begin to see the beauty and perfection of All That Is.All reaction (that is, to re-act) is based upon previous experience and is an automated response determined by what worked last time given similar conditions.You become basically a machine and lose the experience and wonder of existence.Creation, on the other hand, is a new choice based in the Now moment, not something that happened in the past.As you begin to see everything for what it really is, you see that everything is in a constant state of creation.Everything is being created anew.It may look similar to how it did last week, but that's only its appearance.It's actually created itself in a manner that looks the same.It's really a completely new being.The world will begin to fill with wonder and beauty.It's not a matter of seeing something new that wasn't already there.No.What you're actually doing is letting go of the ego's filters and seeing with new eyes, true eyes, God's eyes.You begin to see things as they ACTUALLY are.EVERYTHING is beautiful, perfect, wonderful, glorious, and pure Love itself.Everything has its place and is part of the totality of the universe.You will begin to merge back into this totality and experience states of extreme bliss and indescribable ecstasy.You will experience the Love of God himself.Then, when others ask you if you believe in God or not, you'll find that there's no need to believe in God for you already experience Godliness in every moment of every day.Everything EVERYTHING is God and once you begin to experience all this, it becomes amusingly apparently that there really is no need to believe in God or not.God is.In reality, everyone is experiencing God in every moment of every day.It's simply a matter of realizing it, not believing it.Choose to know God, to experience God, and you will.So let's walk this path back home, back to to God.Let's live together, laugh together, love together, and play together, joyously.Life is meant to be fun.Live lightly.That's enlightenment.Aaaahhhhhh.YOU ARE TRULY LOVED!

      Spiritual Truth is Experiential, Not a Belief System

      Experiencing God Day By Day Compare Experiencing God Day-By-Day: A Devotional By Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard Published By B&H Books Hardcover

      Experiencing God Day By Day See Experiencing God Day-By-Day: A Devotional by Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard published by B&H Books Hardcover Details

      List Price : Price : $20.00
      as of 2012-08-30 11:35 PM
      Experiencing God Day-By-Day: A Devotional by Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard published by B&H Books Hardcover

        Experiencing God Day-By-Day: A Devotional by Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard published by B&H Books Hardcover Reviews

        Experiencing God Day By Day : Experiencing God Day-By-Day: A Devotional by Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard published by B&H Books Hardcover Reviews

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        Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life

        Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life

        In Aboriginal folk lore, nothing is more sacred that the Rainbow Serpent.Just as Christians believe God is the Creator, the aborigines believe the Rainbow Serpent is the Creator.Aborigines who have claimed to have met the Rainbow Serpent see it as a reptile, thus the name Rainbow Serpent.They believe the Rainbow Serpent came from the sun and created everything and watches over us.She is very sacred and only tribal elders are capable of meeting her,most describe the encounter as more of a feeling than an actual physical meeting.It's like the wind blowing, if you believe it, it is there.Many have compared the meeting to the Loch Ness monster, if you believe it, you see it.Although many are losing sight of their ancient beliefs, many aborigines still live as their ancestors have for thousands of years.Many still make pilgrimages to the sacred sites where their ancestors have gone since the beginning of time.Many have the intuitive powers that were instilled in them by the ancients.Thus they know where the sites are, many know when the weather will change, where wild game is for hunting, and many still can put curses on others although they are thousands of miles apart.Not only can they learn much from us,the aborigines have much to teach us if we would only listen.Many times missionaries go to these lands, not only Australia, but to other areas, such as Belize and Africa as well, to convert the native peoples to another belief system, which the missionaries deem to be superior.That shouldn't be the purpose of the visit, often times the teacher is meant to be the student.There is much we need to learn of our native cultures and their attachment to nature and the earth.True, I don't think any of us want to live in a Tee Pee or a Humpie as the Aborigines do, but they also have a connection with the land and nature that needs to be maintained,and many times re-learned by modern man.We came from the earth, and hence we shall return, at least our bodies did and will.I for one don't want to give up my computer and flat screen TV, but we can have it both ways, and probably in the long run, the only way we will be able to keep enjoying all the luxuries of life we now enjoy, is to re-connect with the land as our ancestors and native peoples have.I'm no tree hugger, I am a dyed in the wool conservative, but the word conservative means to conserve.Some in today's world believe we need to give up all our modern conveniences and go back to living the way people lived two hundred years ago.They believe there is something evil about enjoying our present life, freedom, and all the modern conveniences we enjoy today.Hogwash!God or the Rainbow Serpent, or who ever you worship, with our help created everything we have.The universe and all things there-in contained were put here for us to enjoy, not to waste, but to enjoy and appreciate.We live in a limitless universe, it is impossible to "run" out of anything.It is time to forget about feeling guilty about all we have, it is time to remember how we came about it and realize that as long as we lead a good life, work and contribute to society, then we deserve to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.I always appreciate comments and your views on the current topic.

        Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life