Sunday, August 19, 2012

Looking Around Your 30 Day Challenge

Looking Around Your 30 Day Challenge

Do you ever notice how you feel that no one can have it worse than you have it in life? That no one ever understands.I can admit I have felt that way in more than one occasion and I have felt that no one will ever understand what I am going through and what I am currently encountering.If you stop for a brief moment and think about it, in perspective, even though you may have it tough, you do not have it as bad as you think that you do.There is someone right now that would trade you in an instant to have your life no matter what situation you are currently experiencing.Let me take it to another level for you.Imagine you have a bad haircut, your home is a mess, that your young adult child has decided to leave home and you were not prepared to accept it, you do not like what you are eating for dinner, and you weigh too much.The list goes on and on.Now lets change your perspective.You do not have it as bad as you think you do.Right now there is a cancer patient who does not have hair that would take your bad haircut,  a homeless person with a family who would take your messy home,  a person who has lost their child at birth or could not have children or even their child has passed away that would appreciate your child's opinion, an individual who is starving that would eat your dinner with out complaint,  a person who is struggling with their weight that looks at you as a super model and would gladly weigh what you weigh.All of us from time to time feel that life is so bad for us, but when you give your situations to God and trust him to work them out, your life becomes so much clearer.We all have to make choices regardless of the outcome, some may be positive outcomes and some may result in a negative outcome.Can I ask you today to start trusting God to provide for your needs and complain less about your situations?As a life coach, I see many people who struggle with the change in their mindset.Which includes using the power of positive thinking and speaking God's word over their life daily.I want to challenge you today to not only look at your circumstance in a positive way, but also be thankful and hand it over to God.I realize that this can be very hard to do.First you need to Trust and then accept that God is the only one who can change your situation, not man.I must warn you that this process will be very frustrating and time consuming in the beginning.You will be tempted to give up.You will feel as if it is taking up too much of your time.But I can guarantee you as you apply these principals and incorporate them into your daily life they will become second nature to you.The bible says that in Hebrews Chapter 12 Verse 11 (amplified bible) For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness--in conformity to God's will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God].  Not only will your prayer life, personal relationship with God improve, you will see yourself and those around you noticing a sense of peace and freedom with yourself and your spirit.Can you commit to the next thirty days, every time you have a negative thought, no matter how big or small, you cast your care and give it to God?  .When the negativity strikes, say to your self, I do not have it as bad as the enemy is allowing me to think of  my current situation.I have an abundantly blessed life and God has a good plan for me.My life is not as bad as it seems because I Look around and I see that someone would trade me this instant! Try it, what do you have to lose? Challenge yourself to apply this principal, it can be life changing!

Looking Around Your 30 Day Challenge


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