Friday, August 10, 2012

Private Worship - Missing Link to a Successful and Joy Filled Life

Private Worship - Missing Link to a Successful and Joy Filled Life

You might publicly worship God in church, read your Bible regularly, pray consistently and even sing in the choir, but are still not experiencing maximum success and joy in your life.Why? Perhaps you fail to do the one thing absolutely necessary for a successful and joy filled Christian life.You don't spend extended times alone with God, worshiping Him during that time each day.God strongly desires your private worship which opens up intimate fellowship Him and allows Him to transform your life into something beautiful and productive for the Kingdom of God.Let me share with you why private worship is so important to experiencing maximum success and joy in your Christian walk.The following experience by Pastor Dave Roberson should give you the incentive to start worshiping God each day for extended times in private.."Then God gave me a vision.I saw a rock land in a pond, causing ripples to fill the pond.There wasn't one nook or cranny in the entire pond that escaped the ripples.And the Lord said, "This is how it starts.First, you'll begin to worship Me, and my Presence will fill your spirit.As you continue to worship, those ripples will eventually be pushed from behind by other ripples until your soul and your physical senses become saturated with My Presence.At that point, the ripples of My Presence will flow out from you to saturate the geographical location you live and work.".You see, the Lord is seeking those who will worship Him in private each day for extended times so His Presence can flow through them to enhance their lives and allow them to be a blessing to others.He is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth."But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. for the Father seeketh such to worship him.God is a Spirit. and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4.23,23 KJV).Besides your relationship with the Lord becoming more intimate as you worship Him in private, you begin to tap into your born-again spirit and into all God has "for you and to you and through you for all eternity.".So, here is what you do.Choose a time during the day where you can spend at least an hour alone worshiping God.Why at least an hour? You want Him to manifest His "rhema" presence to you which results from your extended time of worship with Him.Begin to thank, then praise and then worship the Holy Spirit.Then ask Him to help you offer your soul in thanksgiving, praise and worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit wants your main worship to be focused on the Lord Jesus Christ.When worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ, keep your worship phrases short so you can focus on worshiping Jesus and not having to remember a myriad of words.For example, here are some short phrases of adoration you could say to the Lord. "I worship you Lord, I love you Lord, I magnify you Lord, I give you all the glory, Be exalted Lord" and whatever else you feel from your heart.Trust me on this, if you will diligently daily commit to this, God will reward you by manifesting His presence to you and help create the successful and joyful life you desire."The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger. but they that seek (inquire, require and worship) the Lord shall not want (lack) any good thing" (Psalm 34.10 KJV)."He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek (worship, crave) him" (Hebrews 11.6b KJV).Remember to always walk in love and forgiveness towards everyone, always obeying God's Word so you don't hinder His perfect will for your life.But if you don't read His Word how will you know what to obey? Please read His Word daily so you will know what to obey, thus fulfilling His will for your life.Not rich? Click on "God Wants You Rich for a Purpose" below in resource box.Want a FREE eBook that will teach you how to fulfill your divine destiny? Click on "Free Ebook" below.

Private Worship - Missing Link to a Successful and Joy Filled Life


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