Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Soul Training: How To Access God Force Directly

Soul Training: How To Access God Force Directly

Today I'd like to introduce to you a short cut - direct - to experiencing GOD FORCE.Sometimes we forget how lucky we are! The sun is shining, the clouds are racing across the sky, even if it's raining - we're STILL lucky.We're BREATHING! Sometimes luck comes down to a simply thing - LIFE.If we're breathing, we CAN - absolutely - start to ENJOY our life.Simply BECAUSE we're alive.And it starts with - OUR BREATH.THE BREATH.The breath HAS an important role to play, not just in keeping our blood vessels supplied with oxygen-rich haemoglobin, but ALSO as a GATEWAY to higher consciousness.Many people in western cultures have not heard of this crucial system of joy-generation.In the Eastern philosophies, the breath is a fundamental tool for reaching 'Nirvana' - or a state of heaven - while still here in physical bodies.So the concept of Heaven for people in the East is not necessarily a 'when we die' idea.Instead, through simple breathing exercises, people are taught they can instantly CONNECT WITH 'GOD FORCE' immediately - at any time.PROCESS TO EXPERIENCE GOD FORCE.Here is a powerful - and utterly simple technique you can do anywhere, any time to begin to FEEL your own personal connection with GOD FORCE..1.Stop all your activity.Take a moment out of your day to focus, and enjoy a deep experience of God Force.2.Close your eyes and imagine a being of light in front of you.Step into that being and hold that position for a moment - relax into the light bath.3.Now put your 100% attention onto your inflow and outflow of your breath.A.Relax your mind - while focusing completely on your breath.B.Keep observing your breath for at least five minutes.C.That is all the time needed - to start with.4.Make this simple FIVE MINUTE process part of your EVERY DAY routine.5.The reason? Each time you practice this technique - and stay for the full 5 minutes, your consciousness trains itself TO NOTICE MORE of what is truly happening here.6.Your NOTICING expanding past your breath is the point.As you continue to practice, you will gain a SUBTLE AWARENESS that a FORCE is 'pushing' your breath in and out.7.Begin gradually to observe THAT SUBTLE FORCE each time you do this technique.A.This is your GOD FORCE.The practice of observing the breath as an access way to direct awareness of God Force is a many thousand-year-old practice.

Soul Training: How To Access God Force Directly


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