Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Two Weeks and One Day

Two Weeks and One Day

I've been working on another note sharing my perspective on just how accidents present opportunities when I felt compelled to write this piece on our two week magic carpet ride!On Friday, October 22, 2010, Jill and I arrived in Taos only 4 days after setting the intention.Earlier in the week, I was working on something with regards to Corazon Trails when Jill asked what I thought she should be doing.Knowing all that we were up too, and we would be better served if we split up the tasks, I asked her if she could work on finding a place in Taos.By Friday, we had a place to stay.Upon arriving here, we had it in our heads we were going to be doing life in Taos a very certain way.HOWEVER, both of us were facing some unspoken desires, and as open as we are with one another, there are times when some things are simply forgotten until.Therefore, as I sit back and observe the daily experiences, I'm very clear, we get exactly what we're looking for, remembered or not.I've also determined that what we want in life is so much more than the right job, car, house, relationship etc.; it becomes more of a declaration or two that pulls far more weight than any 'Please God, help me find a.'.Now, I cannot speak for Jill here, and I may insert something here and there simply because it is what she and I have talked about.On the other hand, I will be very upfront about all that I've been looking for in life and just how Taos has opened every possible door for me to experience my deepest heartfelt desires.I entered this city thinking I'd work hard, make lots of money, and eventually meet a guy.With that, I began by looking into teaching at the University dental program as well as fill in with the holisitic heathcare program.I applied for bartending and tutoring positions.Not one of them came through which left me with the feeling, 'this is interesting'.So, I proceeded with a series of questions with the intent of creating a breakthrough for myself. 'What are you looking for? On the surface, to teach people and make money; yet, my intentions are being driven by fear.What are you afraid of? I'm afraid I can't have what I want.So, if you could have what you wanted, what would that be? I want lightness and ease; to love and be loved, AND I would spend my days and nights in the mountains, riding horses, working with people, writing, implementing Aromatherapy into the community as a therapeutic treatment, and playing with food.In that case, why are you trying so hard to find something; it doesn't sound light or easy at all? Interesting point.'.Interesting indeed.I was quickly reminded of that scene out of Evan Almighty where 'God' asks Evan's wife. 'if someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience or does He give them the opportunity to be patient?' In my case, I wanted lightness and ease; yet, disregarded this and began looking for THE way to fill my life! I'm very well aware that the more I look for something, the less likely I'll ever find it, and still this is how I approached my life for nearly 5 days.Fortunately, I hike everyday and it's this activity that helps me quiet my head long enough to feel the nudgings of my heart.Once I started doing this, the more I was drawn to places and people without giving it a second thought.I engaged in conversations all over the place, volunteering and talking about what I love to do.I had so much fun operating this way that I actually began experiencing money coming in from places I never expected!At this time, I'm baking for a local cafe, creating a catering menu for the hospital, writing for a local paper, developing a aromatherapy program for the nursing home, conducting aromatherapy assessments, and marketing the raw chocolate truffles.It's extraordinary! We ARE master creators! The problem people often run into, as I see it, is we think too much.We know what we want to achieve in life AND we have very basic complaints on how life should be.Some people are looking for fun; others are looking for safety; and still others want to experience peace.It is different for everyone.The idea is to know what you believe life should feel like; to not lose sight of what you really want to accomplish in life AND let your inner wisdom be your guide.This brings up a good point.Two days ago, I made it known I was officially living in Taos, which rapidly opened up a very eye-opening dialogue.The immediate response was. 'Tammy, I cannot keep up with you', and for as much as I understand this point, due to the number of times I've relocated over the last two years, it is what it is AND for good reason.You see, part of my heart's desire has been to heal as well as be listened too.How apropos, especially since my mantra from childhood has been 'follow your heart'.What do you think God has given me the opportunity to do? You guessed it, follow my heart and heal the past!! The interesting piece to this journey is just how long it took me to fully embrace that this was actually going on primarily because a large part of my time was spent looking for the things and not paying attention to who I was being or for that matter what I was creating internally.I kept looking to the external world to validate my efforts.Mistake? Hardly.Just a delay until I did 'get it'!Finally, I got it! With that said, here's a condensed version of my personal breakthrough. there are times when our senses are truly a handicap.In fact, I've discovered that our method of operation is backwards and as a result, have shifted into only employing my brain, etc once the inner whispers have spoken.The physical senses do serve their purpose; however, they now take a back seat until absolutely necessary.It appears this concept really messes with many people; yet, I've learned the path to our heart's desire shows up when we stop looking for it.So, two years, two weeks and one day later, I'm dancing along the path to lightness and ease.As soon as I start looking, I stop.I evaluate my attachment to how things should be or go, and let go because I trust that everything is just as it needs to be.I trust that life is perfect because two weeks and one day later I know, life is THE most exquisite magical carpet ride!

Two Weeks and One Day


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