Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life

Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life

In Aboriginal folk lore, nothing is more sacred that the Rainbow Serpent.Just as Christians believe God is the Creator, the aborigines believe the Rainbow Serpent is the Creator.Aborigines who have claimed to have met the Rainbow Serpent see it as a reptile, thus the name Rainbow Serpent.They believe the Rainbow Serpent came from the sun and created everything and watches over us.She is very sacred and only tribal elders are capable of meeting her,most describe the encounter as more of a feeling than an actual physical meeting.It's like the wind blowing, if you believe it, it is there.Many have compared the meeting to the Loch Ness monster, if you believe it, you see it.Although many are losing sight of their ancient beliefs, many aborigines still live as their ancestors have for thousands of years.Many still make pilgrimages to the sacred sites where their ancestors have gone since the beginning of time.Many have the intuitive powers that were instilled in them by the ancients.Thus they know where the sites are, many know when the weather will change, where wild game is for hunting, and many still can put curses on others although they are thousands of miles apart.Not only can they learn much from us,the aborigines have much to teach us if we would only listen.Many times missionaries go to these lands, not only Australia, but to other areas, such as Belize and Africa as well, to convert the native peoples to another belief system, which the missionaries deem to be superior.That shouldn't be the purpose of the visit, often times the teacher is meant to be the student.There is much we need to learn of our native cultures and their attachment to nature and the earth.True, I don't think any of us want to live in a Tee Pee or a Humpie as the Aborigines do, but they also have a connection with the land and nature that needs to be maintained,and many times re-learned by modern man.We came from the earth, and hence we shall return, at least our bodies did and will.I for one don't want to give up my computer and flat screen TV, but we can have it both ways, and probably in the long run, the only way we will be able to keep enjoying all the luxuries of life we now enjoy, is to re-connect with the land as our ancestors and native peoples have.I'm no tree hugger, I am a dyed in the wool conservative, but the word conservative means to conserve.Some in today's world believe we need to give up all our modern conveniences and go back to living the way people lived two hundred years ago.They believe there is something evil about enjoying our present life, freedom, and all the modern conveniences we enjoy today.Hogwash!God or the Rainbow Serpent, or who ever you worship, with our help created everything we have.The universe and all things there-in contained were put here for us to enjoy, not to waste, but to enjoy and appreciate.We live in a limitless universe, it is impossible to "run" out of anything.It is time to forget about feeling guilty about all we have, it is time to remember how we came about it and realize that as long as we lead a good life, work and contribute to society, then we deserve to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.I always appreciate comments and your views on the current topic.

Aboriginal Beliefs, Modern Day Life


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