Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day

Every day the sun rises and with this magical occurrence brings about predictable and unpredictable manifestations that affect us on both a macrocosmic and microcosmic level.We are guaranteed that somewhere on this planet a new flower is budding, a leaf is changing its colours, the tides of the oceans are rising and falling, and birds are singing their morning songs.In contrast, somewhere Mother Earth will impulsively decide to rise up and cleanse the darkness that threatens to seep deeper under her skin causing temporary pain, heartache and displacement for those who are in need of change in order to grow to new levels of existence.On an individual plane every day we perform our morning rituals such as brushing our teeth, having a shower, a morning coffee, in meditation or exercising our bodies to strengthen our muscles, lungs, and heart.We have our routines but within the course of any given day something unexpected occurs; whether it is something we deem positive or negative all depends on our perspective and how we integrate it into our lives.During this moment in time we are being presented with the dawn of a new day.This era has been prophesized about for centuries by respected ancient cultures and now we must ask ourselves how we will greet the rising sun that awaits us.Will we embrace the challenges it brings and welcome the inner growth we have the opportunity to experience or will we be overcome with fear and succumb to the drama that pervades our senses and causes us to dive deeper into anxiety and despair?Will we continue to view the world from the old paradigm 'us versus them' attitude or will we come together in PEACE and UNITY understanding and helping one another as one people across this great planet?Understanding that it is a natural course of our soul's growth to experience periods of challenge can help us BE in the discomfort, pain or even depression that may arise.It is sometimes necessary to surrender to the shadows of our sub-conscious mind and explore our deep-seated fears in order to discover the courage to rise up from the ashes like the Phoenix reborn; stronger, wiser, and more beautiful.2008 was an intense year of growth and change.I found myself experiencing so much more wonder, joy, peace and gratitude for much of the year but as December came in I hit a roadblock.It began with a health challenge; while not serious it dragged on and started to affect my mental and emotional state.I grew lethargic with little desire to do any of the things I wanted to enjoy over the holiday season.My inner guidance was telling me that something deep was at work here.It was a sense of knowing I could not ignore and so rather than succumbing to the exhaustion I made a commitment to myself to explore the feelings of depression and disappointment that had settled into my life.In those moments I could not remember the many wonderful things that I had experienced during the year walking with God.Rather, I could only see how I had failed to achieve the success I had longed to manifest.I felt directionless, critical, and unmotivated.Nothing I was or did seemed enough.I wondered how could I claim to be a spiritual teacher inspiring others when I seemed to have failed myself?However, experienced with getting control of my thoughts I grabbed onto the opportunity to make change.It began by creating a vision for my life's work (check it out on the top right corner of my blog).Spirit was inspiring me and as these words appeared on the paper I felt a surge of excitement mixed with fear.I didn't know how I would make it happen.I only knew that it felt right and that I had to commit to seeing it through for it is my life's work.BUT discomfort quickly appeared.While I kept reminding myself that for now the 'how' I would make it happen didn't matter because Spirit would guide me my heart began to palpitate anyway.I couldn't breathe.For days on end I couldn't breathe.Everything seemed to close in on me and it couldn't have happened at a worse time of year with demands on my time and energy increasing.Relentless, I got up every day determined to get to the root of my anxiety.I prioritized my time and did only the barest minimum for others.Slowly I was rewarded with insight and clarity exposing the self-imposed obstacles on my path to living-on-purpose and in so doing I was granted the KEYS TO UNDERSTANDING MY LIFE LESSONS and WHO and HOW I can help others to break through their shackles to EXPERIENCE FREEDOM IN ALL AREAS OF THEIR LIFE.You see, I realized that up until now most of my inner healing had been directed towards my personal life and close relationships which have become deeply rewarding through my efforts.However, I hadn't yet fully integrated these principles into my life's work creating blockages that prevented me from seeing my successes and believing I was smart enough, good enough, gifted enough, had enough time and resources you get the idea.Not being or having enough of anything is a VERY common theme in people's lives.Can you see it in yours? Can you identify the underlying belief that creates this illusion? Hmmm.A lesson, for another day.Today I am filled with passion, purpose, gratitude, and abundance for these miraculous gifts.I am excited to announce that over the next few months and throughout this year I will be stepping out to create community and provide enhanced products and services that will change lives.Does this commitment frighten me? YOU BET IT DOES! But I'm going to do it anyway.I invite you to join me in walking in the Light.I invite you to celebrate the dawning of this new day and the MAGNIFICENCE that makes you SPECIAL and BRILLIANT.A key message for you in this article is if YOU find yourself in a place of challenge or darkness do not judge yourself or the experience.Refrain from laying guilt, shame or blame on yourself or others as you peel away the layers of fears and limiting beliefs.Instead treat yourself gently and with loving kindness.You will rise and soar once again it is written.You are loved beyond what mere words can convey for each step you take in your soul's evolution.A GLIMPSE OF WHAT'S AHEAD & A GIFT FOR YOU.One of the new services I will be adding this year is performing Divine Blessings.I am humbled and honoured to be an open channel for this heavenly energy and even though the information is not yet available on my website Spirit has guided me to offer you a Blessing as a gift of LOVE just for being YOU.A Divine Blessing is a dispensation of God Source Energy that is intended to help you access your own spiritual connection to God or Life-Force energy.You may experience it in the form of increased feelings of love, deepening awareness and connection to nature, insight into your life purpose, ability to take action on a dream, or a physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual healing.It is similar in nature to a Divine Blueprint Activation but shorter, more focused and laser like.YOUR BLESSING will be UNIQUE and SPECIFIC for what is in YOUR HIGHEST PURPOSE.To receive this very special gift send me an email at Kiernan@kiernanantares.Com requesting your Divine Blessing.Please make sure to include your full name and location in the body of your email and I will send you a confirmation indicating the date it will be sent.I encourage you to pass along this invitation to your friends, family, and loved ones so they too can receive this heavenly offering.Together let us find the GIFTS that are being presented to us during this time of CHANGE.May the Light Shine Within Your Heart Throughout Eternity.

Dawn of a New Day


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