Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sabbath, the Perfect Seventh Day

Sabbath, the Perfect Seventh Day

The Hebrew word translated 'rested or cease' is a form of Shabath, and it is from this root word that the Sabbath gets its meaning.The account in Genesis 2 indicates that God had completed His work.The Hebrew language is clear and unambiguous in its intent.However, Christ Jesus introduced the sense that it is a day for man and not man for the day.He explained to those not understanding its intent and purpose, to learn of ME and find soul rest.The writer to the Hebrews adds that for those who have believed DO enter, ending the need for self-righteous acts.To Christ Jesus it is the positive and beneficial Spirit of the Father, not the oppressive burden some religious leaders had made of the Sabbath in His day.Notice the explanation.It is now for Israel and for all humanity; celebration isn't a meaningless practice forced on people to bring hardship and difficulty trying to prove their compliance.Jesus introduced it as of God--the Spirit of Comfort.The invitation is for all to enter this Sabbath freedom and experience.It is the same presence Jesus entered and remains; reverent and sensitive to the Father.Smith's Bible Dictionary 1884* summarized; thus the spirit of that day was joy, refreshment and mercy, arising from remembrance of God's goodness as Creator and as the Deliverer from bondage.Each day the people give to their children that instruction in the truths recalled to memory by the day, which is so repeatedly enjoined as the duty of parents; it was not only in the sanctuary, but also in all their dwellings.In the Gospel, encountering Christ Jesus is everything needed for a full life of Joy, Peace, and eternal satisfying strength; strength acquired through necessary rest--quietness and confidence in the Father.The cure for all failures, feebleness, and the preservative from all danger and dis-ease is the knowledge of the higher truth--the loving comfort of the heavenly sanctuary which is open and into which all can enter.The day of trying to prove forgiveness and acceptance by doing, ended at the Day of Mercy and the Day of Grace.Daily, every day, inner restful peace is at hand.The temptation to live out of personal resources fearfully ends up in exhausting piety struggles.We all need physical rejuvenation, but the writer to the Hebrews indicates that there remains a release for the people of God from their own self righteous-works, just as God did from His works.People then, can take comfort in sufficient vital Spirit restoration in God.The weary could come for the refreshing but, would they hear?Eternal Spirit is rest for all, even while living in the tiresome rigors of life.The past codes of behavior now elevate beyond external--Pharisaic motivated--controls to morally progressive, quiet, liberating Spirit Comfort for the soul.Refocusing individual desires begins by dismissing the disturbing past to 'Spiritually mature' by urgently, intentionally experiencing ongoing Spirit Grace Behaviors. longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control.Focus on one thing. forget the past; press forward earnestly desiring, with a willing firm resolve, to enter constant, perpetual Spiritual rejuvenation, now and forever.God provided the door; Christ Jesus offers entrance into His Father's Refuge.The Scriptures teach us that in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the believer is delivered from legalism and its threat of punishment.Beyond legalism and fear of being wrong is freedom; complete assurance of being restored to relationship with God by accepting His Fatherhood.Jesus, during His life as human, completely satisfied all the ceremonial laws and established, for everyone, complete unconditional acceptance as the family of God.Faith substance, Christ Jesus, is the experience of life now and forever.Old Testament observances transformed in the New Testament as continual celebration acknowledging the day, 'a dispensation', of rest for the spirit and soul.God's grace-gift--the Spirit of Comfort--replaces earning by self effort.Nothing obtained by self efforts. but all by Christ Jesus, working His 'new resurrected life' in and through a believer.The disciples first experienced this 'new day of rest' in Christ Jesus, the day following His resurrection, when He appeared to them.It certainly became the 'first' day of remembrance, of celebration, and of worship for His followers; true Joy and Peace.Daily maturing is not religiosity rules to express it but is expressed as an ever-deepening relationship experience through Christ Jesus.The real basis of Christianity is belief in Christ Jesus and accepting renewed life in Him--made right by Faith, not works.Prayer. Father in Heaven I believe in my mind and accept in my heart the forgiveness delivered to me in Christ Jesus.I believe no effort on my part puts me in right relationship with you.Daily I celebrate your comforting presence within me.Thank you for coming to earth to conform to and obey everything the law demanded, just because of your unconditional love for me--your want to favor me with rest for my soul, even while the storms of life rage around me.I want to come back home to 'your' Fatherhood.Amen.*Smith's Bible Dictionary 1884.Keith Gaebel, 'Being Godly in an Ungodly World' 2012.

Sabbath, the Perfect Seventh Day


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