Friday, August 10, 2012

Things God Has Prepared For Those That Love Him

Things God Has Prepared For Those That Love Him

According to First Corinthians 2 and 3, we are given an awesome promise in God's Word that cannot be compared to any other.This promise is written in the Old Testament as well as the New."But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."1Cor2.9.It isn't hard to understand what this is saying.As much as we try to imagine, we cannot even dream of the things God has prepared for them that love Him.Your eyes have never seen them, your ears have never heard them, you have never experienced them in any of all of your 5 senses, and there is no way you could ever perceive the great things He has in store for us, if we love Him.However, He has already revealed them to us by His Spirit.God has already given us the knowledge of these things somewhat, in our spirits.Not in our knowledge or carnal reasoning.God is much more beyond that.He has already given us all things, all spiritual blessings,and there isn't anything that can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.There isn't any force on this world or out of this world that is ever capable of separating us from God's Love.Even we cannot do it.Even if we decide we don't want God and don't want to love Him anymore He will still love us and keep trying to help us.Our carnal minds can never understand nor perceive the things that God has prepared for us, because the things God has for us are spiritual, and not in this world.They do not appeal to our 5 senses and our carnal minds and flesh.That is why it says in verse 10, "For the Spirit searcheth all things, yes, the deep things of God.A lot of people think they can never understand what God is doing and are confused about His will.That is because they are always looking for some kind of a physical manifestation on this earth, or in their physical life or mind that leads them day by day, hour by hour, to do things and to serve God.Many are led in this way and seek spiritual guidance to help them do physical things.Many times we go about trying to get the spirit of God to help us become more a part of the world.Then we wonder why we often don't see the answer to our prayers.The things of God are the deep things.God is not shallow and will not support us if our ways are shallow and carnal.He will not lead us into carnality and satisfy everything we want to accomplish in the flesh because He wants to teach us about spiritual things.In Verse 11 It says, "For what man knoweth the things of a man , save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God." Only your spirit knows the things that are way down deep inside of you, the spiritual part of you, your spiritual man, and that is the part of us that needs to be in communication with God." Jn 6.God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.".But many also use the second part of this verse to say that no one knows or can understand God because His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.That is not what it is saying.What it is stating here is that only the Spirit of God knows the ways of God, so if we have the Holy Spirit in us, and are loving God, He has already revealed these wonderful things to us in our spirits."Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." V12.Verse 9 says that we don't know these things God has prepared for us in our minds, we have never seen them with our eyes, we have never heard with our ears these things, and even we have never and can never even imagine these wonderful things God has already prepared for us, already given us.But here in verse 12 it says we can know them.Is this a contradiction? No it is not a contradiction.We can never know them in our flesh.These things God has prepared for us have nothing to do with the things of this world, and the riches and material things of this life that will fade away and corrupt.Matthew 6.Lay not us for yourselves treasures upon the earth where rust and moth doth corrupt.But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust doth not corrupt.For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." So where is your heart? Is it on the earth, and you constantly worry about earthly and worldly things, looking for your rewards and blessings to be fulfilled now in this life by the things around you that you can see, touch, taste, hear, and smell? Or are you searching and striving for the spiritual things, spiritual riches, laying up your treasures in heaven where they can never corrupt? Are you receiving the spirit of the world? Or are you receiving the Spirit of God and the things that God has already prepared for you; already given you?If you are searching for the spiritual truths of God's Word, and seeking His Spirit and not the spirit of the world, you can know the things that are freely given to you by God.It won't be a mystery.You will not only know them, but you will be able to teach them too according to verse 13." Which things we also speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.".So what these verses here are saying is that we cannot compare the things that God has prepared for us, the spiritual riches and blessings He has already given to us with anything that is carnal, physical, mortal, fleshly, mental, and of this world, this earth, or this life.The things of God are incomparable with anything in this life, any experience of this life, any thing you have ever seen, heard, known, or have had or will ever have contact with in this life, in this world, on this earth or anywhere in outer space or time as we know it.The things that God has given us in spiritual wealth, blessings, joy, peace, truth and eternal life and relationship with Him can only be compared with each other.The spiritual can only be compared with the spiritual.You can never compare spiritual things with physical things.The gifts of God are spiritual, given to us in our spirits, so there isn't anyway you can use them for your own selfishness, power, position, glory, Personal gain, your own personal worldly happiness and success for your future on this physical planet.These are spiritual things and so are you if you have been born again.Jesus said in John 3 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit" So we know by what Jesus said we cannot even mix the two.Paul said the flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.That is why we need to get our minds renewed by the washing of the word and regeneration of the Holy Spirit.When we get our minds renewed then you have a new mind.You will have a new way of thinking.You will not be thinking by your old thought patterns anymore.People go back to the sinful life they were in before, even after being saved, because they fail to get their mind renewed.The Word of God has not taken root in their heart.They are a new creature by faith in Jesus, but the new creature is in their spirit not the flesh.You cannot get your flesh renewed by being born again.You only get your spirit renewed.Your old man has died bring crucified with Christ and is dead.It cannot resurrect again.The thing we have trouble with is not our old man.It is dead and you cannot blame it.What it is that gives us the most trouble is our minds, because we fail to renew it with the Word of God.The Word of God is the only thing that will renew our mind and make us a new creature in Christ by our washing."Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you" John 15.3.We are cleaned by the word of God, renewed by the Word of God, given life by the Word of God, so why go looking elsewhere in the annals of man, through the books of man and the wisdom of man? The truth lies between the pages of the Bible, God's word, and this, only this, is the source of our authority in Christ.This is what we claim as our authority.The Word of God is everything and without it we are nothing.With it we are successful, and without it we are a failure for sure.For this is how we even know that God wishes to have a relationship with us humans.If not for the Word of God we would not even know this and we would be in total darkness separated from His everlasting light and love.The Word is how we know what God wants.What He wants us to do and not do.What He wants to say to us and how He wants to relate to us.That is where we can find the answers we are looking for but alas, mankind cannot let the Bible get in the way of their knowledge, science falsely so called, and their religion and theology.Eye hath not seen, neither hath ear heard,neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love HIM.He has shown it unto us, those who will receive it and believe it.It is only faith that pleases God, and if we will not stagger at His promises we will surely reap an eternity of blessings.

Things God Has Prepared For Those That Love Him


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