Sunday, August 12, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on Your Prize

Keep Your Eyes on Your Prize

"If the Lord delights in us, then he will bring us into this land and give us a land flowing with milk and honey." Numbers 14.8.When you are in pursuit of your God designed vision, you must keep your eyes focused on your prize.The prize is the goal that God has set before you to accomplish.The journey maybe a difficult one, but if you keep focused on your prize, you can win.You can walk in victory.You can do everything God assigned you to do.Today is your day to take hold of your prize.Caleb and Joshua were the two spies that believed they could conquer the giants that inhabited their Promised Land.They understood the significance of keeping your eyes on the prize.They did not care how great or big the giants in the land were; they knew they served a bigger God.They saw the greatness and the prosperity of the Promise Land and nothing or no one was going to stop them from walking into their inheritance.Are you that determined to live your life as God designed? Are you ready to focus on your vision no matter how crazy it looks to you or others? Are you willing to move towards your promise land even if you have to go by yourself?Whatever you do, please do not waste productive time and energy trying to get others to see what you see.They are not going to see what you see because God gave it for only you to see.Do not allow anyone to discourage or frustrate you because they are trying to see what you see against the backdrop of your past or current situation.People will try to hinder you from moving toward your prize because they don't want to move forward, they don't know how or they don't want you to get yours.So they come to you with the negative talk; they say things like, "that has never been done before,""you can't do it that way" or "that's not the way you're supposed to do it.".I encourage you to go with your vision.Whatever God has spoken into your life; you can believe, receive and achieve it.Caleb and Joshua understood that the people in the land were already defeated.They said in Numbers 14.9, "Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land, for they are bread for us that defense is departed from them and the Lord is with us fear them not.".When you give into your fears and allow your vision to rot away, you are ultimately rebelling against God.You are really saying, "God, I do not believe that you can fulfill your vision through me," or "God, you are not trust worthy enough to handle my situation." When you concede to this thought process you are actually discounting His awesome power.This kind of false thinking will allow your fears to take your eyes off your prize and miss your blessing.The reason you cannot advance in life or you keep losing the same battles is because you have been duped by the deceitful tricks and tactics of the enemy.The enemy constantly keeps the difficulty and trials that you are experiencing in your face.He shows you the struggles and hard work that it is going to take to win your prize.He brings people into your life that reminds you of where you came from, what you did yesterday or question your abilities.He constantly bombards you with negative attacks that flood your mind with defeated thoughts.He knows if your mind is preoccupied with negative thoughts you will not focus on your prize.The enemy has put together a strategic plan to keep you from winning.He knows if you become focused on your prize then you can accomplish great things for God's glory.So he comes at you with a ruthless and relentless attack to distract you with what I call the seven poisons to your purpose.He wants to fill you with..1.Desperation - Makes you do things contrary to the character God wants you to display.2.Defeat - Makes you feel like a failure so that you do not even try.3.Diversions - Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things.4.Doubt - Makes you question God's Word for your life.5.Delays - Makes you put off doing what needs to be done.6.Discouragement - Makes you focus on your problems rather than possible solutions.7.Disclaimers - Makes you talk against the purpose God desires for your life.The enemy will use any number of these poisons to try to throw you off track.He wants you to give in to them so that you will forfeit everything God has envisioned for your life.I write this message to discredit the attacks from the enemy.I stand with you as Caleb and Joshua stood and declared that they could possess the land, which God was leading them to.You can possess your land of promise if you keep your eyes fixed on your prize.Like a track runner that wants to win her race,when the starting horn sounds she takes off with her eyes focused on the finish line.She does not fix her eyes on the person next to or behind her.She knows if she focuses on anything other than the finish line, she stands a greater chance of losing.You have to have the same concentrated mindset that the track runner has to win the prize.You cannot expend precious energy trying to run the race designed for another person.You cannot afford to waste valuable time looking over your shoulders to see who is coming.You have to be intent on running your race.Let the enemy and all others know that your eyes are locked in.Your heart is fixed.Your mind is made up.Your feet are progressing.Your hands are reaching forward to take hold of the prize that God has promised you and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will stop you."Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3.13-14.

Keep Your Eyes on Your Prize


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