Sunday, August 19, 2012

10 Reasons To Submit To God Today

10 Reasons To Submit To God Today

Why should you submit to God? What would you gain by submitting to God? There are two forces operating on earth - the good and the bad.And whichever force you submit to controls your life.This article gives reasons why submission to God is a better choice.We are creatures of choices and our choices determine our today and tomorrow.Deuteronomy 30.19 says, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live.".God is associated with good and life.When you choose God, you choose good and life.Many people think that to submit to God is to submit to bondage and misery, but the case is the very opposite.Submission to God offers freedom and happiness.What else?Reasons to submit to God.1.Empowerment - God certainly is far higher than the devil and submitting to God is to be empowered to operate in the same level with God.Remember, the people who do know their God will be strong, and do exploits.2.Success - God is a God of success.When you yield to God you become exposed to God's kind of success.This bible is not to depart out of your mouth.But when you meditate on it day and night, and observe and do according to all that is written in it, then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you will deal wisely and have good success.3.Fulfilment - Many people are not fulfilled because they failed to submit their life, ideas, family, business, vision etc to God.Submission to God in every area of your life enthrones God as your counsellor, guide and leader over your life.God takes care of what is committed to him.Therefore, commit your way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and He will bring it to pass.4.Peace and joy - A life submitted unto God is a life of peace and joy.God leads in the paths of peace.God shows me the path of life. in His presence is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore.5.Protection - God protects everyone that is under His care.No force can harm you when you are under God's covering.When you make the LORD, who is my refuge, even the most High, your habitation; no evil will befall you, neither will any plague come near your dwelling place.For He will give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.6.Victory - This is guaranteed when you submit to God.God is the Almighty and He will prove Himself in any battle you may be facing.Therefore submit yourself to God.Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.".7.Provision - Submission to God commands provision from Him.God is committed to supplying all your needs when you totally yield to Him.Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and every other thing you desire will be added unto you.8.Good health - Sickness and diseases are not from God.When you submit to God He takes them away from you.Serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and water, and He will take sickness from your midst.9.Long life - God desires that you enjoy life and have it in abundance but this is only possible when you yield to Him.When you set your love upon God, He will deliver you. He will set you on high and bless you with long life.10.Eternal life - The ultimate benefit of submission to God is eternal life.This is a life of peace with God after death.God's children hear His voice, and He knows them, and they follow Him. And He gives unto them eternal life; so that they will never perish.In conclusion, Submitting to God is the wisest thing to do.It offers you abundant life here on earth and beyond.Therefore ensure to submit to Him.

10 Reasons To Submit To God Today


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