Saturday, August 11, 2012

Maximum Christian Victory - Why You Desperately Need to Pray in Tongues

Maximum Christian Victory - Why You Desperately Need to Pray in Tongues

If you are not experiencing maximum victory in your life, there is a reason.Of course there could be several reasons, but let me zero in on one of the main reasons.You have not obeyed God's Word to pray in tongues as you should according to Romans 8.26,27 and Jude 20.Maybe you do pray in tongues, but not enough.Let me show you why praying in tongues is so beneficial to experiencing maximum victory in your Christian walk, enabling you to fulfill your true destiny created by God.The Great Intercessor. What if you had a friend that knew all things and knew exactly what the root problems were in your life that kept you from being the victorious Christian you were called to be? And what if he could pray to your Heavenly Father the perfect prayer to eliminate those hidden deep-rooted problems in your life? Deep-rooted problems you were not even aware you had.What if he could release in you vast amounts of revelation knowledge of God and His Word enabling God's grace and peace to be multiplied to you according to 2 Peter 1.2? The Holy Spirit is that person and friend.If you are a Christian and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues according to Acts 2.4, the Holy Spirit is waiting inside you to finish the work God has begun in you that will bring you great joy, peace and fulfillment, but more importantly bring glory to God because of the great work God wants to accomplish in you to advance His Kingdom.Your Part. God wants you to pray in tongues.I suggest at least an hour a day.When you set aside an hour each day to pray in tongues you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you to the Father and begin flushing out all the junk in your life that hinders God's plan for your life.Dead limbs in your life like complacency, wrong believing, lusts of the flesh, the love of money and self-exaltation begin to be cut off.Call it the Holy Spirit pruning and purging process.One of the greatest results from this Holy Spirit purging is the manifestation of God's love, agape love, that will begin to flow through you.This love is unconditional, willing to deny itself on behalf of others.I repeat.Pray in tongues at least an hour a day.You are to be a work in progress, "a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." This scripture says it all.."For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them' (Ephesians 2.10 KJV).But right now your flesh might be cringing at the prospect of praying in tongues an hour a day.Remember, your flesh is weak and spiritually lazy.Ask your Heavenly Father in Jesus' name to give you the grace to overcome the weakness of the flesh so you can obey God's call on your life to pray in tongues.Then expect some mighty changes in your life as you begin to experience the joy and freedom of being a child of God walking in maximum victory void of the hindrances of the flesh.5 Star Bonus Information. Here is a simple formula for victory that works.Take three promises from the Bible that cover any problem you are facing.Select a time during the day to speak these three promises out loud for at least and hour each day.Why at least an hour? Because God's Word is like a hammer according to Jeremiah 23.29.As you speak God's Word you will be hammering away to demolish and destroy that problem rock or mountain in your life.Remember to always walk in love and forgiveness towards everyone, always obeying God's Word so you don't hinder His perfect will for your life.But if you don't read His Word how will you know what to obey? Please read His Word daily so you will know what to obey, thus fulfilling His will for your life.Want a free eBook that goes into great revelation depth concerning this subject? Click on "Free Ebook" below.Not rich? God wants you rich for a purpose.Click on "God Wants You Rich for a purpose" in resource box below.

Maximum Christian Victory - Why You Desperately Need to Pray in Tongues


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