Friday, August 31, 2012

Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?

Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?

Your perception of absolutely everything is influenced by your vibration.As your Larger Self you cannot even reach into the lower vibrations.There is no experience of problem or suffering--only evolution, variety, and possibility.During the most recent 5 Day Silent Retreat while walking in the back pasture I came upon a four-inch long dried up grasshopper impaled on a hard, dry two-inch long mesquite tree thorn.I was startled and fascinated, and snapped the whole twig off and brought it in, pondering it's significance.Participants write down their questions for me, and I respond a couple of times a day.The big question of why God lets awful things happen came up--a woman wrote me a note wondering why her son died in Afganistan--and others had similar questions.Of course!First I soothed her very precious human sorrow, reminding her that her son is in bliss, but acknowledging that she was suffering from missing him and finding it hard to let him go.Then, delighted and amused that the impaled grasshopper had come to me in such perfectly magical timing, I brought it out and passed it around.I posed some questions.Is not God the grasshopper? Is not God both the thorn and the grasshopper? Is not God what everything and everyone is made of? How could God be absent from anything that happens? Are those who experience difficulties in this life not God in a physical body, having this experience on Earth? Isn't God experiencing it through us?Why would mountain climbers spend thousands of dollars, years of training, and weeks in sub zero temperatures, risking almost certain death or loss of frostbitten toes or fingers to climb Mount Everest? Why would race car drivers deliberately risk their lives at speeds of 250 miles per hour?Why do people pay to see horror movies and violent dramas of danger and mayhem? Why do some people relish fighting in hand to hand combat or war? Why do they choose to go back again and again to terrible fights with their loved ones?Doesn't Life seem to delight in all manner of dramas and an infinite variety of adventures? I pointed outside to the pasture, and remarked about the coyotes who eat the rabbits, and the hawks who eat the birds, and how God is both the hawk and the bird, and how they all play their roles and let go to their endings when it's time.In the Larger perspective any and all of these adventures are but the blink of an eye, and each of us returns to Oneness, and all is well.Most of us don't remember choosing to embark on these adventures, and so we dive fully but blindly into our physical lives, fully immersing ourselves in the reality of it.And wouldn't it take something away from our Earth experience if we didn't fully buy into the reality of it?You and I cannot live for nor vibrate for everyone on the planet--they get to choose how to do that for themselves.Each person is literally the center of the Universe--their own Universe.We can help and influence in whatever way we are guided to, and they benefit to whatever degree they can let it in.Sometimes we are guided to mind our own business, and other times to reach out.We help the most by keeping our vibration high, by lifting the collective vibration any time it is dropping.Joining in sorrow and despair and lowering the collective vibration helps no one, and only takes us down to that lower place.I too sometimes lose that Larger perspective and momentarily think, "Oh, no! This is so wrong!" before remembering to step back into Larger perspective, and remember, it's all an experience, and Life chooses all manner of experience.When the dinosaurs were wiped out by the large meteor that hit Earth, it wasn't a failure, it was a stage of evolution.The Presence not only is with me through it all--I AM that Presence in physical form.I am never abandoned.I chose my adventures and my challenges.The Presence cannot abandon me.The only questions are. "Am I there for myself, or do I abandon myself?" "Do I abandon The Presence, get out of alignment with my Large Self, and go off down dark tunnels of despair?".Most importantly, as you are choosing the life experience you choose, you cannot expect everyone else to do the same.You can create a life of joy and ease, and not encounter disasters.As your vibrational set point rises, you become less and less likely to line up with disasters.I plan to depart this planet deliberately when I choose to, without the need to set up an "accident", disaster, or illness.It is possible.Awake and aware people have done it, and I've even practiced a bit--just enough to show myself I can do it.People in disasters are choosing to depart, although not consciously.There are no accidental deaths.Every single time I have tapped in to someone who is suffering or dying, their spirit is in bliss, and soaring.If you experience anything but bliss when you contact someone's Large Self, it is YOUR vibration you're experiencing, not theirs.I felt into my own father's Large Self at a time when his human self was in suffering, and deep beneath his conscious understanding, bubbling, effervescent joy was all there was.I was awake outside under a starry sky all night the night he died, soaring with him in his liberation from a disease-wracked body.I never shed a tear for my father's passing, because I authentically never felt sorrow for his departure from that body.I think of him often, and laugh and direct humorous comments to him at times.I recently tapped in to a little girl in a coma to see if assistance in healing might be in order, and all there was inside of her was bliss.Her Large Self was, of course, ecstatic.Your Large Self always is.At the center of every hurricane is stillness and absolute peace.

Why Would God Let Disasters Happen?


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