Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In This Day & Age Baseball Players Unfamiliar With the Law of Attraction Play at a Disadvantage

In This Day & Age Baseball Players Unfamiliar With the Law of Attraction Play at a Disadvantage

It's an amazing phenomenon to watch when a basketball player is in the zone as they say, and can throw up just about anything and the ball finds its way through the hoop.A golfer sinks a string of half a dozen over 20 foot putts and it seems difficult to imagine how it is possible.And then it's watching a Hall of Famer simply disconnected unable to even get a call in his favor.The Law of Attraction makes it quite clear as to what is going on that these seemingly unexplainable streaks occur.For most however, it is a dangerous and forbidden territory.In fact, the only difference between being in the zone and not is only a slight shift in perception.No one asks because it seems preposterous to think anyone could have any control in this area.Maybe what we call luck isn't luck at all.For years ballplayers and the like have incorporated visual techniques when preparing for a particular activity.Spending a moment imagining the perfect swing and follow through and seeing the desired outcome is nothing new.But for the vast majority, these exercises become nothing more than a conceptual habit.Perhaps more than any other activity, sports provides immediate feedback and it is the Law of Attraction that allows you to call forth the results.If you attempted to understand French by having someone speak it to you until you understood it, well you might be listening for a long, long time.Whether you understand French or not, it still is a real, just as is this amazing law.Positive thinking, visualization techniques, affirmations and meditation, etc.Work.It is this law that provides the context for them to work because the tendencies of the law are deliberately called into action by the simple of engaging these techniques.So understanding the principle tendencies of the law are imperative if they are to be used successfully.Can you imagine if gravity was erratic in its tendencies? Sometimes pitchers would throw the ball, gravity would have a stronger pull and the ball would fall short of the plate.Other times routine fly balls might clear the fence by great distances.Without a precise consistency on the part of this law of gravity athletes would need to depend on something other than the current skills.Gravity will assure the game is consistent with the physical laws of the universe.Though there are an infinite number of possibilities in the grand old game, there are simply no accidents.Though it may not be understood, the way the game unfolds has everything to do with the Law of Attraction.All baseball players know the importance of practicing the fundamentals of batting and fielding - the basics.Whether you are a 6 year old or a professional, dropping out the fundamentals is a sure drift towards failure.Surely there are significant other aspects of the game necessary to play it well than mastering the fundamentals.The Law of Attraction is much the same way; the basics are of primary importance and are considered vital to make use of it.Though I could list my top 40 bullet points, the basic ones should be instilled first and foremost.I will leave you with this; the Law of Attraction makes it clear that any of the current major league franchises have the capacity to play in the next World Series, with exception to none.Whether a player comes into his own and becomes a star is a matter of a slight transformation is how he thinks.Whether the bases are emptied because the ball just clears fence or it is simply caught for the final out, is usually a matter of a tenth of an inch in where the ball connects with the bat.Or maybe just a slight breeze one way or the other.He's a hero in the morning paper or just another 0 for 4 night at the plate and a disappointment to the fans.Here are three basic hints ballplayers should know about the Law of Attraction..Make it that nothing is more important than that you are happy.- This is the ultimate space of workability and no resistance towards your goals.Do everything that makes your dominant vibration attract the emotions that align with the desired results you seek.-- add no negative vibration to the mix by engaging in any negative conversation; do not dwell in negative thoughts.Know that energy precedes everything.- Your attraction is set into motion by your giving attention whether it be what you desire or the absence of it.Focus on success now as it is already the case, no matter what you are doing.I'm letting you know there is much more going on than simply the physics of the game - always has and always will be.Why ballplayers go into slumps or find themselves in a hot streak where everything thing turns to their advantage or why teams do the same, there is logic to it and the Law of Attraction makes it very clear.Those interested in discovering more on the practical applications of the Law of Attraction and how it impacts the results in your everyday life are invited to take the action of searching me by name on the internet.

In This Day & Age Baseball Players Unfamiliar With the Law of Attraction Play at a Disadvantage


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