Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Article Four: Each Day a Quantum Mind and Soul Existence

Article Four: Each Day a Quantum Mind and Soul Existence

Quantum Mind Information. A Series of Articles on the Quantum Theory of Mind and Soul Evolution."What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space." Erwin Schrodinger.Each day is a quantum mind and soul existence for each of us.It is one in which individually and collectively we shape Schrodinger's 'variations in the structure of space' by our thoughts.Like fish in an ocean of energy we exist, as does the earth and everything in quantum space, as thought forms.We conscious beings are that space and like ripples in time our thoughts make the shapes and cause the quantum variations in the shapes that make the illusion of what we believe we are, in the quantum 'soul' reality of what we actually are.We are not bodies with quantum minds and souls.We are quantum minds and souls that create the supposed 'reality' through which our minds and souls are able to evolve.Without the material shapes that we create with our thoughts the consciousness of which we are could not exist in any meaningful way.Without the material shapes and variations in the structure of quantum space that is the universe, the prime consciousness of quantum energy could never become minds and souls and without minds and souls there could not be any material shapes.The opposite focuses of the conscious structure of space and the material bodies that exist within it are one.First there is the wide-focus, which is the infinitely fast overview of the universe.This focus is what we call 'God'.Then we have the' infinite numbers' of narrow local focuses of consciousness that we call particles, atoms, molecules, the dust clouds of space, dark energy and matter, stars, planets asteroids; and the seemingly infinite varieties of life.Yet all in reality they are one consciousness with two poles of focus.They are one because the prime energy - that which religious-science used to call 'spirit' and which modern science separated from religious thought, now calls 'energy' - is where all thoughts begin in simplicity.The complexity of what we see around us is there because thoughts beginning in simplicity are evolved by mind.Consciousness builds in the 'present moment' by trial and error on the thoughts that went before and which are now 'matter' - another word for 'matter' is memory'.It is because we process streams of thought that we local narrow-focuses, experience linear time.Science tells us that there is nothing in the mathematics of either quantum mechanics or Einstein's relativity that prevents time from running backwards.Instinctively we all know this to be true.We know because always in the present moment we can quantum jump our thoughts backwards in time.We can re-member those thoughts and in doing so, with imagination, or 'image-in-ation', we can reshape them as our futures.What the science of today does, and what he religious-science of yesterday did not do, is to confine their thoughts and experiments to the realm of the so-called 'material' alone.The science of the last century like Darwin's theory of evolution was only a half science, for it could not include any thoughts of mind and soul as being the creators of the universe in their work.Now however, with the advanced mathematics of Quantum Mechanics, String and 'M' theories, all of that is slowly changing.Now more and more theoretical physicists and a few cosmologists are realizing that the sea of the energy matrix is really all there is.The rest is seemingly a super-reality multi-dimensional 'holographic' creation of the double focus mind-consciousness that creates the Quantum Matrix field.But how does that oneness, which in religious-science we called 'God', become individualized in all of life and in each of us? How, if all is one, are we individual? We will be exploring the fascinating theory that is rapidly being understood further in this short series of articles.But let's make a stab at it now because it is important.We know that we can focus our thoughts.We can become so engrossed in what we are thinking and doing that all else is focused out.With this in mind it is but a step to realizing that the oneness, the sea of energy, the matrix that 'thinks' infinitely fast on the large scale of the universe, can also focus it's thoughts down to and within each particle of matter, slowing down the speed of the thoughts and so 'look back' on the vastness of itself while still experiencing that vastness also.The wide focus of consciousness experiences the universe as each particle, each atom and each construction of that universe as 'local' knowledge.In this way the 'oneness' becomes myriad, becomes legion, and over the billions of years of the evolution of thought, each of the 'narrow focuses' has created an individual past in the database of what we call 'soul'.The one consciousness by separating all thoughts by points of focus has become legion and parts of that immense 'legion' have evolved to become each of us.We have to stop thinking in terms of being separated from God and us.We have to stop thinking of God as the creator of us, for there is no separation of consciousness and we in effect are each creating ourselves.The essence of what is all things remains one - the energy sea that is the quantum matrix and Schrodinger's 'structure of space'.What becomes individualized is the encoded memory bank of the mind and soul of each point of focus that looks back at the universe with its own unique 'point of view'.It is the memories, encoded from that individual viewpoint, that become the mind and the soul of that evolving individual.And because of this there is no death as we believed it to be, but merely a transition between one cycle of thought creation to another, which follows on as a 'change factor' a stirring of the pot, from the last.Because we create ourselves we think creative thoughts and take creative actions that add to or 'evolve' ourselves and so are able to move on to higher dimensional realities as we should.Or in ignorance we stand still, do not evolve, do not grow enough to move on to higher dimensional realities, and in thinking the same thoughts, taking the same actions again and again, making the same mistakes again and again, we merely return here, again and again and again. and in stagnated mind and soul evolution the result is the over-population, increasing pollution and the frightening global warming we see all around us in the recurring 'now'.

Article Four: Each Day a Quantum Mind and Soul Existence


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